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Automated Webinars

Host pre-programmed webinars that feel like they're live.Reach people and capture customers without being there.
Host Modern Webinars
  • Automate Marketing Webinars
    Embed automated webinars onto your website to capture visitors who need more convincing before buying.
  • Automate Sales Webinars
    Use automation to host presentations and demos more frequently, without manual incremental work.
  • Automate Training Webinars
    Create an automated yet interactive onboarding process that scales to any number of learners.
Host Modern Webinars
Automate every aspect of your webinars
  • Play videos
    Play pre-recorded presentations to simulate a live talk
  • Send chats and polls
    Post messages and gather data at a pre-set time
  • Post handouts & giveaways
    Post files that attendees can download
  • Send offers
    Pop-up calls to action to push attendees to the next step
Host Modern Webinars
Just program events on the timeline, and they'll trigger automatically
Every aspect of your webinar becomes pre-set, removing stress and room for error.It also gives you the ability to leverage webinars as a powerful marketing and sales tool, without repeated manual work.
Host Modern Webinars
Make sales with pop-up offers
When you add pop-up offers to your automated webinars, they become a powerful final step of a sales funnel.Turn clicks into presentation attendees, and then turn attendees into customers… without even being there.
Host Modern Webinars
By automating our webinars, we're able to reach 10x the number of people with 1/10th the effort.It's like pouring gasoline on the fire.
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  • Get help
    Call 1-888-724-4932 or email us
    to chat with a webinar expert
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    Join our newsletter for the latest
    updates and content
  • Schedule a demo
    An online event expert will
    gladly answer your questions