The presentation explored muscles as the engines of the body, discussed the skeletal muscle and its layers, explained the sliding of filaments during muscle contraction, and touched on topics like characteristics of fast and slow muscle fibers.
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    Sonal Lakhani
    Technology Officer/Career Development Coordinator at HS Navigator
    Sonal is a rising Junior at John P.Stevens High School, New Jersey.She is very passionate about the STEM program with the focus on pursuing a professional degree in the Medical field aiming to become an ophthalmologist.She is an active member of her school's HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America), a club that provides resources to become innovators and leaders to improve the health of the community through education, collaboration, and experience.Over the years, she has participated in several science fair projects, and to continue her interests she is enrolled in Waksman Institute Summer Experience (WISE), a Student Scholars Program at Rutgers University with a focus on Molecular biology with the ultimate goal of publishing her research on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a branch of U.S National Library of Medicine!and in Toxicology, Health and Environment Disease (THED) program at Rutgers to broaden her knowledge on drug disposition, forensic toxicology, and biomedical research.She is an active member of Girls Scouts and is currently pursuing her Gold Award advocating against Cyberbullying.Sonal is a member of her High School Cross Country Team and participates in 5K events.She is preparing for her first half marathon.In her free time, she loves to swim and play chess and badminton.