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Niloufer Tamboly
Risk Management | Vendor Risk Assessment | Risk Quantification | Cloud Security
Niloufer collaborates with clients to identify, analyze, develop end-to-end risk management processes to mitigate business partner risk.She is a risk management professional and helps companies manage risk, quantify the impact, and translate risk metrics for business stakeholders.Niloufer helps business stakeholders execute cybersecurity strategies and accept risks appropriately based on quantified risk appetite.
With over 15 years of experience identifying, assessing, and driving remediation for risks in applications Niloufer understands unique client challenges across multiple industries.
She prides herself on her ability to build business partners' trust and understand their experiences and
the risks they face on a daily basis.
Niloufer stays up to date on technologies, frameworks, products, threats, and solutions.She is a sought-after resource to review risks in emerging tech like cloud security, blockchain, AWS security, and complex risk assessments.

Niloufer holds multiple certifications in IT Security (CISSP, CCSP), Risk (OPEN Fair), Privacy (CDPSE), Audit (CISA, CIA), and Fraud (CFE).She is a Certified Public Account licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey.And a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA).

Niloufer has authored two patents for System For And Method of Generating Visual Passwords (US 9,171,143 B2) and Establishing An Alternate Call Path Using Short-Range Wireless Technology (US 9,392,523).

Niloufer is the organizer of the largest cybersecurity career MeetUp group and creator of the YouTube Channel "Cybersecurity Career Talks".

Niloufer co-founded the nonprofits Step Up Skill in 2020 and (ISC)2 New Jersey Chapter in 2012.
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamboly/