Special Offer: Get 50% off your first 2 months when you do one of the following
Personalized offer codes will be given in each session

Host a workshop, masterclass, or customer training

Create it.Design it.Set a price.Conduct it.Record it.Make it available on-demand.

Modern webinar software for classes and training

No other webinar platform helps you host online classes this customizable and user-friendly.And no other webinar software gives you a channel to organize your classes and build traction over time.
Bring your content to life with interactive features
  • Polls
    Pre-load polls and gather responses from webinar attendees.Push the data to your CRM.
  • Q&A
    Attendees ask questions and upvote the best answers.Simply read off the list to include a Q&A session at the end of your webinar.
  • Call on anyone
    Choose the best questions, and invite webinar participants on screen to discuss them live.
Monetize what you know with ticketed webinars
Sell tickets to live webinars, name your price for access to recorded ones, or sell subscriptions to your channel to monetize an entire course or series.
"BigMarker has allowed us to make our workshops even more valuable by giving us the ability to share them with our companies and partners around the world."
George Vukotich, SVP Programming, 1871
Start with a full-featured 7-day free trial
No credit card required.
  • Get help
    Call 1-888-724-4932 or email us
    to chat with a webinar expert
  • Stay in the loop
    Join our newsletter for the latest
    updates and content
  • Schedule a demo
    An online event expert will
    gladly answer your questions