
April Product Updates


Catch up on everything we've shipped this month.

Read on to catch up on everything we've shipped this month:

Virtual & Hybrid Event Hosting Updates

Broadcast to Multiple Platforms Simultaneously with RTMP Stream Keys:RTMP allows you to stream to many different platforms — so you can reach larger audiences during live streams.To make this process easier, we've added a new RTMP section to the webinar dashboard.There, you can easily access your session's RTMP Stream Key and Server URL, then add it to your desired broadcasting software.

This month, we've enhanced our RTMP capabilities threefold.Now, you can stream out to multiple social media platforms (Facebook Live, Youtube Live, etc) simultaneously, as well as other BigMarker rooms with our new RTMP Out in the webinar room.Using this feature, you can have sign language interpreters join your RTMP streams and stream different RTMP feeds into your events, with a sign language interpreter included.

Lastly, have a live interpreter join your event, either through RTMP with a broadcasting service or through our platform.Stream your main event to your attendees while giving them the option to choose a different audio language with a live interpreter in the other room.This gives those attendees a choice in the language they prefer to listen to your event in.

Use it when:You want to broadcast to multiple locations with optimal reliability and video quality.

We've revamped our Analytics Dashboard:You can now view series-level analytics for your virtual event in one comprehensive, easily digestible dashboard.Reporting is updated in real-time, giving you and your stakeholders the most current picture of your event performance.

Additionally, you can send and schedule emails containing these analytics  — and add subscribers to that list (find this in the Run Reports tab of your analytics dashboard!).This keeps key event stakeholders in the loop without demanding additional time and resources.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved only for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Use it when: You'd like a detailed overview of data points of your virtual events or you would like to send a scheduled event report to admins to see analytics of your event.

Create and Schedule Meetings within Expo Booths with the Meeting Scheduler:Exhibitors can now create meeting rooms — and even conduct meetings — within their booths.This enables exhibitors to meet one-on-one with interested leads without waiting until after the event, which increases both conversions and ROI for event partners.

Hosts can also pre-schedule meetings with potential customers or job candidates using booths, making it a versatile tool for your marketing and recruiting needs.

With the meeting scheduler, you can create meeting locations, allow attendees to pre schedule meetings, and send them meeting links to conduct the interview virtually.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Use it when:You need to recruit candidates for open opportunities or deliver ROI to sponsors and event partners.

Upload Websites for Co Browsing before your Event Starts:We've added a new section to the webinar backend, where now you can enter in the URLS for any websites you would like to share, with or without audio, during your event.This streamlines the process of adding an interactive website to your event to elevate any presentations.

Note:Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Use it when: You would like to upload website URLS for co-browsing ahead of your event's start time.

Integration Updates and Upgrades

Integrate Eloqua with your Media Hub:Want to connect your on-demand attendee and engagement data to your Eloqua records?Our Media Hubs now integrates with Eloqua, making it easier than ever to evaluate and act on your on-demand content performance.

This way, you can easily see who viewed your content, what content they viewed and what content they downloaded in your Eloqua account — and your sales and marketing teams can use that information for more precise follow up.

Note:Currently, this integration is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Integrate SalesForce Pardot with BigMarker:You can now integrate BigMarker with Pardot.  All of your registrant and attendee data will flow automatically to your SalesForce Pardot account shortly after your event ends, setting your sales team up to reach out and convert more successfully .

Note: Currently, this integration is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers who also use SalesForce.

New Customizations

We've Added New Fonts to our Landing Page Designer:We've introduced more custom fonts to our landing page designer, so your pre-registration materials can more closely align with your brand's style guidelines.Select from 13 different fonts for both the title and body text.


New!Add confirmation links as tokens to your virtual event emails:Tokens are strings of code that can be used in emails to personalize messaging to individual attendees.This includes the attendee's first name, the name of the event, the event date, etc.

Now, you can now use your event's confirmation link as a token in your virtual event emails.This way, attendees can easily access your event's confirmation page directly from the email.

Use it when:You would like to have your registrants linked to your webinar confirmation page so they know they are confirmed for your event.

You can now change the display language of poll questions: You can now change the display language of poll questions, so that one question appears to attendees while another phrasing appears in your CRM integration or reports.This way, you can gather marketing information from your audience, but divert attention away from your marketing campaigns if necessary.

Use it when: You need to collect attendee information about a confidential product or campaign.

Custom registration fields used for customized agendas will now filter from your event's main series: On your event's registration form, you can collect more information about your attendees via custom registration fields, like job function, interests, location, etc.

You can now link those custom registration fields to your agenda, so that attendees only see sessions based on their responses to those fields.  For example, if an attendee indicates that they're interested in software on their registration form, they'll only see sessions about software on the agenda.

Previously, these custom registration fields were filtered from the series associated with the event agenda.Now they'll filter from the main series (the one associated with your virtual event as a whole).

Add Filters to Both the Agenda and Schedule Selector:You can now add filters to the schedule selector during your check-in's process.This allows attendees to search for sessions based on specific parameters while creating their personalized schedule for the event — and more quickly find the sessions they want the most.

Note:Currently, this feature is reserved only for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Attendees Can Now Set Their Networking Availability Status During Check-In:In our Networking Center, each attendee's networking status displays alongside their name and profile (similar to a Slack or Microsoft Teams status).

But some attendees prefer not to share their networking status with other attendees — and we get it.So attendees can now choose whether or not to display their networking availability throughout the event.This gives attendees more control over their event experience while allowing them to network at their own convenience.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved only for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Add Preloaded Polls to your Webinar's Automation Timeline: You can now add preloaded polls to your webinar's automation timeline with the click of a button.This way, you don't have to re-enter each question and answer option before adding your poll to the automation timeline.

We've made it easier to clear your virtual background: Clearing your virtual background has never been more clear.Simply navigate to your camera and microphone settings (the mic and camera icons on the bottom panel  of the webinar room) then click Remove Background.

View which presenter or admin shared your handouts in the webinar room:On your session's reports, you can now see which presenter or admin shared a handout within the webinar room.(Note: This is only applicable when handouts are shared manually.)

Share presentations faster than before and attendee cameras with up to 64 Camera Mode: We've increased the processing speeds for loading presentations and screen shares in Up to 64 Cameras Mode.Experience faster download times while sharing your screens and slides.

Additionally, create a fully engaging event with a new toggle that will allow your attendees to see other attendees' cameras, in addition to presenters, presentations and themselves.This will give your attendees full access to talking to everyone in the event while still sharing important information.

Attendees Can Now Join Ongoing Agenda Sessions In Another Tab: On BigMarker, attendees can join live sessions straight from the agenda by pressing the Join Now button.  Previously, the live session would open in the same window as the agenda, which prevented attendees from exploring the agenda any further.

However, you can now choose to have these live sessions open in another tab, so your attendees can continue exploring the agenda while listening to that session.This way, they can still scroll and enroll, or favorite, other sessions while not missing out on the action.

You Can Now Display Exclusive Sessions Only to Attendees With Relevant Permission Levels On Your Check-In and Agenda: Does your event have sessions or networking opportunities that are exclusive to All-Access, VIP or other specific segments of attendees?You can now set your check-in flow and agenda so that exclusive sessions are visible only to attendees with the necessary access levels to participate in those sessions (e.g., attendees with custom ticket and pass types).

This better customizes the agenda to each attendee's individual permission levels and needs, creating a more relevant experience for all of your attendees.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved only for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

You Can Now Automatically Display Pop-Up Offers At the Beginning Of Your Events: Set it and forget it: You can now pre-set pop-up offers to display at the beginning of your event or sessions.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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