
BigMarker Now Integrates With Eventbrite


Hosts can now automatically import registrants from Eventbrite as attendees on BigMarker.

We're thrilled to roll out a brand new integration with Eventbrite!When this one-way integration is active, registrants from Eventbrite are automatically uploaded to the BigMarker webinar hosting that event.

And once guests are added to the BigMarker system, they can receive the access links and communications they need to access their online event as smoothly as possible.

This way, your registration and marketing efforts can be linked to your event platform, without minimal effort.Best of all, hosts can set up this integration in minutes.Here's how to do it.

  1. Log into the BigMarker webinar hosting your event and select the Integrations tab.Choose Eventbrite from the options below.

  1. Under Eventbrite Account Settings, enter your Eventbrite Private token.This can be found on your Eventbrite account.If you haven't created an Eventbrite API, continue to step 2b.

    Otherwise, move to step 3.

2b.Log into your Eventbrite account and select Account Settings from the dropdown menu, as shown below.

2c.On the left-hand menu of the following page, choose Developer Links.In the menu that appears, select API Keys.

2d.Select Create API Key.You'll be prompted to enter your name and company information.

2e.Next, select "Show API key, client and tokens." Your Eventbrite account API key and private token will appear in the dropdown that opens.Return to step 2, then copy and paste the private token under "Eventbrite private token."

  1. Under Import Settings, you'll connect your BigMarker webinar's information with your Eventbrite account.Once you've synced your Eventbrite account with BigMarker, the organizations and events associated with that Eventbrite account will be available in the dropdown menus, as seen below.

    Under "Which Eventbrite Organization would you like to import?" select the Eventbrite organization associated with your event.Usually, this will be the name of your company.

    Under "Which Eventbrite event would you like to import?" select your desired Eventbrite event.

    Under Map Data Fields, you'll choose how specific data fields in your BigMarker webinar are saved in your Eventbrite account.For example, under Email, your BigMarker guest's email address is automatically saved in Eventbrite under "Email."

On BigMarker, you can also use custom registration fields to ask guests for their job title, referral source and marketing permissions, all of which can also be saved in Eventbrite with the same mapping data function.(Note: You need to create these questions on Eventbrite before linking them to your BigMarker webinar.)

Click Save Import Settings to complete the integration...and pave the way to seamless event planning.

Want to learn more about how the world's most innovative companies are using online events to drive business results? BigMarker's Account Executives are here to help.Contact us at to get started!

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