
January + February Product Updates


Catch up on the latest updates to the BigMarker platform.

What's new on BigMarker?

In the last two months, we've launched several new features aimed at optimizing our platform's user experience, admin capabilties and marketing tools—and helping our customers grow their businesses through online events.Read on to learn more about each update, then follow the links to learn how to put it in practice..

Breakout Room Capabilities:Facilitate more intimate and engaging conversations with breakout rooms.Hosts can now create up to 30 breakout rooms per webinar or virtual event session.They can also choose how unassigned attendees enter breakout rooms during a session, and reassign the size/number of breakout rooms while the session is in the progress.

Marketo Integration Updates:Ease post-event follow-up and conversion with our expended Marketo integration.BigMarker webinar data, registrants and attendees can now be exported to Marketo leads or activities.

Salesforce Integration Updates:Speed the way to sales and conversions with our updated Salesforce integration.Once BigMarker is integrated with Salesforce, BigMarker webinar registrations and data are sent directly to active Salesforce campaigns.And it's a two-way street: hosts can also add Salesforce campaign members as invitees and registrants to their BigMarker webinars.

Eventbrite Integration Rollout: Seamlessly merge your registration and event platforms with our new Eventbrite integration.When this one-way integration is active, registrants from Eventbrite are automatically uploaded to the BigMarker webinar hosting that event.And once guests are added to the BigMarker system, they can receive the access links and communications they need to access their online event as smoothly as possible.

One-Click Mic and Camera Activation:Previously, turning on the mic or camera in a live webinar room took a few clicks, causing unnecessary lagtime that stalled conversations.Now BigMarker presenters and admins can turn their microphone and camera off with one click during a live session.Minimizing delays to create a more natural flow of conversation, this feature is especially useful for hosts of multi-person panels or roundtables.

Moderator Control of Individual Attendee Mics + Cameras:One of the best ways to improve audience engagement during your online event is to...engage your audience.

Previously, hosts found it difficult and time-consuming to let individual attendees speak without granting mic/webcam access to the entire audience.Now, moderators can selectively turn the camera and microphones of individual audience members on and off, which facilitates smoother Q&A sessions and further involves the crowd, while allowing hosts to maintain control of their programming.

Closed Captioning:Ease your audience's comprehension and broaden your reach with closed captioning, now available to enterprise customers and virtual event customers on BigMarker.

Analytics Updates:Hosts of webinars and virtual events can now see which individuals dialed into the session, as well as which users turned on their cameras.This data is available in their own tabs on BigMarker post-session reports.

After a virtual event, hosts can also see which attendees viewed each video played in the Expo Hall and associated booths.This captures attendee-level engagement behaviors, including: At what point in the presentation did the attendee paused the video?At what point did the attendee skipped ahead?How long did the person watch?With more insight into their audience's viewing behaviors, hosts can capitalize on their interest and generate qualified leads more efficiently than ever.

Auto Opt-In to Marketing Permissions:Hosts of BigMarker events not subject to GDPR regulations can add an "auto opt-in" option to marketing permission forms.  When Auto Opt-in is enabled, all attendees who complete the registration form are automatically opted into receiving marketing communications from the host company.Note: If your event is hosting citizens of the EU, do not use this feature, as it will violate the GDPR. Also, we're not lawyers here: Consult any local, state, national and international privacy regulations before activating auto opt-in.

Want to learn more about how the world's most innovative companies are using online events to drive business results? BigMarker's Account Executives are here to help! Contact us atsales@bigmarker.comto schedule a demo and get started.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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