
April Product Updates: Consolidated Audio and More


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What's new on BigMarker?

This month, we've introduced new features that will further enhance our platform's user experience and lead generation capabilities—and help our customers grow their businesses.Read on for more about these updates, then follow the links to learn how to put them in practice.

You Can Now Use Consolidated Audio Streams: BigMarker has introduced the option to use consolidated audio for all webinars, virtual events and meetingspaces.This combines each speaker's audio into one stream.This reduces connection issues ana lowers the chance of error in your sessions.

Learn how to activate consolidated audio here:

You Can Now Bring Individual Attendees Into the Webinar Room from the Waiting Room: Hosts can now bring attendees into their sessions from the waiting room individually.This provides hosts more control and security over their sessions and also allows them to hold several 1:1 meetings during a BigMarker session.

Learn how to activate this feature here:

You Can Now Ask For Short Answers and Ratings in Polls:Hosts can now ask for short answers and ratings during sessions with our updated polls, allowing them to collect more open-ended and evaluative information for marketing purposes.Learn more about creating polls here:

You Can Now Use Geo-Fencing In Your Webinars + Virtual Events:Geo-fencing allows hosts to restrict registration for your event to users from pre-approved geographic regions.This is especially useful for local events or smaller meetings.(Note: This feature is available for enterprise and virtual event customers only.)

Learn how to activate this feature here:

You Can Now Make Outbound Calls During Your Sessions:Hosts can now make outbound calls from the webinar room to unregistered participants, allowing additional people to access the session via their phones.This is helpful for contacting attendees having technical issues.(Note: This feature is available for enterprise and virtual event customers only, on an as-needed basis.)

Learn how to activate this feature below:

We've Updated Our Presenter Mic and Webcam Capabilities:The auto prompt presenter multimedia permissions feature streamlines the hosting process by allowing admins to take presenters on and off stage without spending several seconds turning on their mics and camera every time.Once auto prompt is activated, admins can turn their presenters' mics and cameras on and off with one click, even if the presenter has been taken offstage.This is especially useful for panel discussions and interviews, during which you will likely transition between speakers often.

Learn how to activate this feature here:

Want to learn more about how the world's most innovative companies are using online events to advance their business and marketing goals? BigMarker's Account Executives are here to help! Contact us atsales@bigmarker.comto schedule a demo and get started.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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