
March Product Updates


Read on to catch up on everything we've shipped this month.

Read on to catch up on everything we've shipped this month:

Integration Updates and Upgrades

We've Rolled Out A Sandbox Environment for Our Salesforce Integration:You can now test your Salesforce integration on BigMarker without making changes to your existing lists on Salesforce.With our new Salesforce sandbox environment, you can create your integration, map data fields, etc.without interfering with your Salesforce data sets.

Note:Currently, this integration is reserved only for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Virtual Event Hosting Updates

Access and Add Multiple RTMP Stream Keys to Your Broadcast:RTMP allows you to stream to many different platforms — so you can reach larger audiences during live streams.To make this process easier, we've added a new RTMP section to the webinar dashboard.There, you can easily access your session's RTMP Stream Key and Server URL, then add it to your desired broadcasting software.

You can also create additional stream keys, so you can stream simultaneously to multiple locations.Use multiple streams at once in the webinar room itself — or other destinations if desired.Best of all, the original RTMP stream is available in up to 8K resolution, so you don't need to sacrifice reliability for reach.

Use it when:You want to broadcast to multiple locations with optimal reliability and video quality.

Stay in Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations with Cookie Consent Bars:You can now add a cookie consent bar to your events on BigMarker.This alerts attendees that you will be collecting their information, so they can have the option to accept or decline.This ensures that you remain compliant with local and federal guidelines for data privacy while also giving attendees more control over what information they disclose to your brand.

On BigMarker, you can customize everything from the content of your message to the colors of the Accept and Decline buttons.

Use it when: You are hosting an event where you would like to collect attendee information and you would like to remain compliant with local and federal guidelines for data privacy.

We've Upgraded our Registration Management Dashboard:We've introduced a more comprehensive registration management section to the Virtual Event dashboard.

On one page, you can see who registered for your virtual, in-person and hybrid events, their registration date and vaccination status, as well as whether they've checked in yet.You can also print each attendee's badge directly from this page, thus streamlining the check-in process.

Use it when:You would like to review a more comprehensive, real time registrant information overview,  such as when they checked-in, what sessions they've attended, and their personal preferences and information.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Customize Your Virtual Event's Registration Passes and Check-In Process: You can now create registration passes that are only available to attendees that meet pre-determined requirements (for instance, they have a specific job function or seniority level.).

Here's how it works: On your event's registration form, create a custom registration field asking attendees to submit their job function.Then you can create a registration passes that's available only those who submit certain job functions on that field.This way, you can more easily tailor content to specific segments of your audience — and improve security at your events overall.

You can also add passwords to certain registration passes or change the order in which they appear for registrants.

Use it when: You're hosting an event with multiple agenda tracks and/or customer segments, and you want to offer different access levels or content for each of those groups.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

You Can Now Add Agenda Filters to Your Virtual Event's Schedule:You can now configure filtration settings on your agenda and easily apply them to your virtual event's schedule.This allows you to add filters to your virtual event schedule more easily and in turn, helps attendees find their desired sessions more quickly.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Studio Updates

Studio Updates: The Top Bar Shows When The Event is Going Live and Ending:Not sure who's responsible for starting and stopping your session?Want to see which attendees are still in the waiting room?Before going live, presenters can now check the Studio's top navigation bar to see how much time they have left until presenting, who is responsible for starting and ending the event, and which attendees are still in the waiting room.

New Functionalities

You Can Now Use Co-Browsing with Audio:Through co-browsing, hosts can stream another website into their BigMarker session.This allows hosts and attendees to browse the same videos or sites together and collaborate in real time.

Co-browsing is now available with audio as well as video, so your attendees can listen to snippets or whole durations of audio while interacting with the streamed content.(You can even co-browse Zoom with audio: Just use the browser version of Zoom, then use co-browsing to stream it into BigMarker.)

Use it when: You are co browsing a website and would like to interact with both the website and your attendees inside your event at the same time.Play audio, pause the audio to engage in a Q&A session and resume the video afterwards.

Note: Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

Certificates of Completion Are Now Available for On-Demand Webinars:Certificates of completion are now available for viewers who complete an on-demand webinar (previously, they were available only for live webinars).This way, you can continue to reward engagement with your content and provide credentials — even after your live events.

As with live webinar completion certificates, certificates can be awarded to attendees who spend a minimum amount of time viewing the session.Certificate earners receive proof of completion via an email from BigMarker, so they can provide it to the necessary parties as soon as possible.

Use it when: You want to give credit for continuing education units (CEUs) to members of industry associations that require an annual number of professional development (PD) hours (e.g., doctors, lawyers, engineers, HR professionals, etc.).We recommend granting certificates only when your curriculum is supported by a certifying organization or company.

Note:Currently, this feature is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Events customers.

You Can Now Create Additional Meetingspaces On Your Channel:BigMarker admins  are able to create additional Meetingspaces on their channel for others.This way, other team members can host their own Meetingspaces without interfering with the admin's Meetingspace settings.

New Customizations

You Can Now Allow Multiple Answers for Poll Questions:Attendees can now select multiple answers to poll questions, which allows hosts to collect more complete marketing information about their viewers' needs and interests.You can alsochange the color of your poll questionsto better reflect your branding.

Select Display Languages for Your Event's Closed Captions:Providing closed captions during your event?You can now select which display languages are available for attendees.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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