
May 2023 Product Updates


This month, we added several new features to optimize webinar and event hosting functionality and maximize attendee engagement on BigMarker.

This month, we added several new features to optimize webinar and event hosting functionality and maximize attendee engagement on BigMarker.Read on to catch up on everything we've shipped this month:

New Customizations

Create Multiple Sessions at Once Using Agenda Uploader

Whether you're creating 10 or 100 sessions, Agenda Uploader makes it easy to input basic information and create multiple sessions at the same time.Now, you don't need to build out each session individually, which saves valuable time when building out your event.

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Share a Secondary Camera When Presenting

For presentations that need a little extra demonstration, share a secondary camera angle and give your audience a more detailed look into the materials you're describing.

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Add incentivized prizes in your webinars with Giveaways

Stoke some healthy competition amongst your audience with giveaways.A randomized wheel announces the winner to your audience, enticing them to participate or provide more information needed to enter.Not only does this boost the fun during your live event, but serves as a useful tool for capturing data.

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Integration Updates and Upgrades

Configure Your SSO Integration with CyberArk

Ensure all your channel admins and event registrants are secure using the CyberArk single sign-on integration.Simply sync your CyberArk account with BigMarker to secure your next internal event.

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Modular View has Gotten Several Visual Updates

Target more accurately those attendees who are interested in learning more about exclusive offers or webinars with our new pop-up offer enhancement.Clicking on the offer signifies their interest, where they can receive an automated email or personal follow-up for more information.

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Reconnect with Co-Hosts in the Post-Webinar Debrief Room

Planning to connect with presenters and webinar hosts after wrapping up your webinar?No problem.Now, you can migrate session presenter to the post-webinar debrief room to recap the event, thank them for their time, and follow-up with any next steps.

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Automatically Trigger Virtual Event and In-App Mobile Notifications

Instead of manually pushing event notifications each time you need to share an update, you can now program your push notifications to automatically send from desktop or mobile app throughout your event.

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Customize Your Check-in Flow with the Scanner App

Admins can customize the flow of their event's check-in process in the Scanner App and add questions to gather more audience data, change the order of screens in the app, and remove/add pages for badges before printout.

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Allow Attendees to Prepare in the Green Room Before Going on Stage

Planning to bring audience members onstage during your webinars and events? Now you can feel peace of mind by allowing attendees to test their devices in the green room before going live.Hosts can now move presenters and attendees alike into the green room to prepare their mic and camera settings before going live on stage.

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Up Next

Email Notifications for Q&A

Set an admin's email address to receive notifications when a question is submitted to a webinar.This feature is especially useful for Evergreen Webinars that are always open but don't have an admin or a presenter in the room at all times.

Get everyone on screen during your event with 1500 Cameras Mode

Let everyone share their faces and engage with one another with our newest streaming mode: 1500 Cameras Mode.Attendees can form better connections with one another and everyone can actively participate and engage amongst everyone.

Interested in seeing how a specific feature works in real-time?Contactsales@bigmarker.comtoday to connect directly with a BigMarker Webinar & Event Expert.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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