
May Product Updates


Read on to catch up on everything we've shipped this month:

Virtual & Hybrid Event Hosting Updates

Announcing improved RTMP streaming capabilities:You can now easily add an outbound RTMP destination, then select the Live BigMarker streaming section to view live webinars and automatically generate their Stream Keys.You can also create RTMP streams for upcoming events — and save valuable time on event day.

Our badge scanner app is live!:With the app, in-person event attendees can check-in to your event, individual sessions, and expo booths via a personalized QR code.Create a seamless check-in experience while providing easy-to-use solutions for access management and lead retrieval.(Learn more about ourbadge scanning capabilitieshere!)

You can now block email addresses from all events hosted by your channel: Want to permanently block certain email addresses from attending your events?Now, apply these security restrictions to all events on your channel via the Block List on your channel's Settings page.

Once active, anyone on your channel's block list will be automatically disallowed from attending any event hosted on your channel.

Restrict access to your Media Hub to attendees and registrants:You can now reserve your Media Hub's content to attendees who are registered and logged into BigMarker.This strengthens security while also allowing you to better track attendance and engagement.

Note: This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Streamline the agenda search to show only sessions that match all specific filters: Now, toggle on a specific setting for attendees to view sessions that align only with specific filters.For example, if a session is associated with Monday and May, you can make sure that attendees only see sessions that match with both Monday and May, not just Monday or May.

Note:This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Registrants who select all passes and sessions for your event, then try to register again, will now get a warning: Registrants will see a notification message at the top of their page when they try to register again for the same passes/sessions they did originally.

Note:  This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Integration Updates and Upgrades

Map and export poll questions and answers in HubSpot:The data generated by your poll questions now automatically flows to HubSpot as soon as your session ends — giving your sales team the information they need to personalize their messaging for each prospect.Note: Our HubSpot Integration is an Enterprise Feature.

Note:This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Continuously import registrants from BigMarker to Hubspot after your event has ended: Hosting an on-demand webinar?You can now continuously import registrant data from BigMarker to HubSpot after your live event has ended.

When this is active, HubSpot "checks" BigMarker for new attendees every 15 minutes, allowing your marketing and sales teams to stay on top of new event activity and potential leads.

Note: This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Breakout rooms now sync to Eloqua.You can also create custom data objects for breakout rooms within Eloqua: Data generated by your event's breakout rooms now sync to Eloqua.So in Eloqua, you can see which attendee attended which breakout room — and also view a full list of attendees for each of these rooms.

Note:This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

Our Pardot integration is now available to all Enterprise customers: The Private Beta of our Pardot Integration has ended, and it is now available to all Enterprise Customers.When this integration is active, your registrant and attendee data will sync automatically to your Salesforce Pardot account, giving your sales and marketing teams access to new profile data generated during webinars and events.

Note:This feature is part of our Enterprise and Virtual Event plans.

New Customizations

You can now add external links to custom registration fields:Custom registration fields, which ask attendees to provide additional information, give hosts crucial insights about their audiences.Now, you can now add external links to these custom registration fields - use them to alert potential registrants about important policies and procedures before your event or collect market information through surveys.

We've updated our UTM code functionalities:We've added three default UTM codes to newly created webinars.You can also add UTM codes to your registration URLs after setup, then reprocess them into existing registration fields, so you don't miss out on any data — and you can evaluate your marketing channels more accurately.

You can now display current and upcoming sessions in the left hand panel: When the left hand panel is enabled for the attendee view, attendees can see a list of current and upcoming presenters on the left side of the live webinar room.

Now, when this is active, attendees can see the event's current and upcoming sessions on the left hand panel of the live webinar room.You can refresh this list once every five minutes.

Note:This feature is only applicable to Series that host more than one agenda session.


Cookie consent bar is carried over in webinar templates:When you create a template of your webinar, the template now includes any cookie consent bars from the original webinar.

Display GDPR fields based on custom registration field responses: When hosting an event to a global audience that is subject to GDPR regulations, you would need to create separate GDPR fields for those registrants.Now, you can streamline this within your registration form by adding GDPR fields that will show based on registrants' response to a previous custom registration field (like country, etc.)

Send general emails to subscribers based on their responses in custom registration fields:You can now segment the audience for general emails sent through BigMarker — and earn more opens and click-throughs as a result.Do this by programming your emails to be sent only to those who have provided a specific answer in a previous custom registration field.

You can now map data from checkbox response types: Collecting attendee information via a checkbox response form, either in a poll or a custom registration field?You can map the data generated by these questions to your CRM of choice — and store more accurate audience data in your system of record.

Only Channel admins are able to save certain features as default settings: We've ensured that only channel admins can save certain features as default.This includes: email content, email footer, registration fields, certain designs, waiting room designs, recording player, live attendee experience, webinar survey, offers and headers.

Presenters now undergo an automatic firewall check: In cases where guest presenters have trouble sharing mics/cameras in a session, it's often because they're behind a firewall.To minimize these delays, we've added a firewall check to our presenter system check.

Do you want to see how a specific feature works in real time?Contactsales@bigmarker.comtoday to connect directly with a BigMarker event expert today.

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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