
November Product Updates


Catch up on this month's latest updates.

Read more about everything we've shipped this month:

You can now refresh entries from Marketo every 15 minutes:BigMarker can now review import lists from Marketo every 15 minutes.This means that any updates to an attendees' profile on Marketo will automatically be reflected on their BigMarker account and event lists as well.

Note:Our Marketo integration is reserved for Enterprise and Virtual Event customers only.Users will need to manually activate this feature in their BigMarker account, followingthese steps.

You can add tracking codes to your embeddable registration widgets:Hosts can now add tracking codes to their registration widget, which they can then embed on their websites.This allows hosts to use their preferred third party marketing tools (Google Analytics, Hubspot, etc.) to see how many clicks, conversions and registrations their widgets generate.

Use it when: You've added a widget to your website to collect registrations for your BigMarker event and you want to evaluate its effectiveness.You can also use this feature to conduct A/B tests and compare the success of multiple registration widgets.

You can now create templates from evergreen webinars:Hosts can now create templates for their evergreen sessions as well as copy their evergreen webinars.This allows youto "save" the settings you've used in  previous evergreen webinars, then apply them to future sessions with minimal additional effort.Besides saving time, this also reduces the risk of human error and lost data.

Use it when:You want to create copies of your evergreen sessions, like always-on sales demos and product walkthroughs, that have the same automation, engagement and audience settings as the original session.

Hosts can now grant presenters access to individual engagement features:Previously, hosts needed to add  presenters as attendees (learn more here), or remove their access to the Control Panel, in order to limit their access to certain features inside the session.But if presenters didn't have access to the Control Panel, they weren't able to use any engagement features on their own.

Now, hosts can grant presenters access to individual engagement features inside the session, such as uploading slides, handing offers, screen sharing, etc.

Use it when: You want presenters to share slides or video on their own, but don't want to give them access to your session's automation, audience permissions or management settings.

Polls can now be maximized:Polls can now appear as full-screen pop-ups during sessions, allowing more flexibility over how you communicate with attendees.

Use it when:You want to maximize response rates and collect more precise data during your sessions.

We've introduced a new server in Africa:We've introduced a new server location in Africa (Cape Town) for increased stability for hosts in surrounding locations.

You can now copy and create templates of on-demand webinars:You can now create templates of on-demand webinars on BigMarker.

Use it when:You are creating multiple on-demand sessions with the same engagement, audience and automation settings — and don't want to manually input those settings for each individual session.(For example, you're converting the sessions from your virtual event into several on-demand recordings, and want to use the same settings for each one.)

You can now cancel registrations for unpaid sessions:Hosts can now cancel registrations for unpaid webinars and track those cancellations on their session reports — without contacting BigMarker's support team.

Note: This is applicable only for attendees that have not paid an entry fee for the session.If a paying attendee requests cancellation, you will need to contact to cancel their registration.

You can now automatically archive all answered and unanswered questions from the Q&A:All questions submitted to the Q&A during a session can now be archived and saved in the session's analytics reports.This gives organizers a more complete picture of your audience's questions and needs, which can be applied to future event programming and marketing efforts.

Use it when:You want to keep track of your audience's biggest questions and points of confusion, but you don't have time to address every question during the session itself.

We've created new access levels for presenters:We've rolled out a new presenter permission level:Enter as Attendee.When this is enabled, presenters enter the session as an attendee, giving them less ability to control the session while it is live.

Use it when:You don't want your presenters to access your session's Control Panel, edit automated workflows or activate attendees' microphones and cameras.

Analytics for on-demand videos are now available in series-level reports:Hosts can now pull the first name, last name, email and BMID of each on-demand viewer, as well as the number of views for each of your  on-demand videos.These metrics are available in the report of the BigMarker Series associated with each on-demand video.

Note: This feature is reserved for Enterprise and White Label customers only.

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