Case Study

Oracle Transforms Customer Support from Reactive to Proactive


Oracle Service Cloud's Support Team had the knowledge to be able to anticipate support issues, but needed a forum to proactively communicate answers to customers before questions were asked


Oracle Service Cloud Onboarding Webinars


Thousands of Oracle customers have benefited from the team's proactive training, driving higher adoption and confidence in Service Cloud products

In today's experience economy, customer loyalty has never been harder to earn.As a result, service teams must engage customers throughout their entire journey.Oracle Service Cloud is a unified CX platform for managing the most delightful customer journeys, from end to end.

Oracle Service Cloud provides an exceptional experience across the web, contact center, policy automation, and field service.It's the CRM you'd want if you wanted the ability to customize it to your customers' needs.The Service Cloud support team provides technical support to Service Cloud customers.

A team of product experts

The team handles service requests using Service Cloud products, so team members see customer issues first hand, and can anticipate their problems.Team members have a ton of knowledge to share!however, they're a break-fix group, meaning they're only allocated enough people to investigate potential bugs in the software.

They don't have enough time to answer "How To" questions.The challenge with that is that roughly 75% of the calls they get don't involve bugs, even though the customer may think they do.In many of these cases, the question is really "How do I implement this product at my company?"-- which is out of scope for the support team.

Sharing the team's knowledge

Given the team's abundance of knowledge and their genuine desire to help customers with the questions they expect to receive next, Cimberli Kearns, Oracle Service Cloud's Technical Training Program Manager, turned to webinars as a solution.And for her webinar program, she turned to BigMarker.

Educating customers with webinars

"BigMarker creates value for us in two big ways," Cimberli tells us."First, our webinars empower us to give proactive support. We don't want customers to have to submit a service request in the first place.We want to get in front of issues before they happen.If we can share the product, educate customers, and point out common issues other customers are having, then customers are less likely to open a service request.Being proactive is a very important part of delivering exceptional customer service."

"The second way webinars fit in is on a more human level: we have all these team members who want to provide the best customer support experience they can, but they are somewhat limited because they don't have the time to give implementation advice on customer calls. Our webinars give team members opportunities to share their knowledge, creating content that they know will be valuable to the customers they serve.That makes our team members with a very good feeling."

"Our webinar series allows us to provide proactive support.We'd rather customers not have to open a service request in the first place.Our webinar series allows us to address the issues we know they have, before they call us."

Cimberli Kearns, Technical Training Program Manager, Oracle

Capturing ideas and defining webinar topics

Cimberli and her peers keep an open channel of communication to understand where customers are having issues, and collaboratively define webinar topics to address them.Questions like "Where is there confusion?" and "Where is there an opportunity to improve the experience?" are useful ways to elicit feedback from teammates.They also run lots of reports to understand what "How to?" questions they've seen most frequently.These suggestions and reports are the primary vehicles for defining which webinar topics to run with.

Recruiting presenters and engaging employees

After defining topics, Cimberli's team recruits presenters."Some people are very excited to speak off the bat, and others take a bit more convincing," Cimberli says. "But everyone loves it once their session starts and they're up there leading a webinar, presenting to customers.Not only have our webinars been helpful for our customers, but they've also been a big driver of satisfaction and engagement among our team members."

Repurposing webinar content into powerful videos

"We love to repurpose the information shared in the webinars," Cimberli continues.The Oracle Service Cloud team has a robust Knowledge Base that empowers customers to search for answers to common questions, so the team adds each webinar recorded with BigMarker as an in-depth resource to relevant Knowledge Base answers.

"When customers have a similar question in the future, we can send them not only a written answer, but also an on-demand webinar that goes deeper to educate, using expert commentary and screen sharing to really demonstrate how something works.Then, it's much less likely that customers will trip up on that topic."

What's next for the Service Cloud team?

Building on the success of the program, the Service Cloud team's next goal is to consistently host three to four webinars per month, with more extensive promotion.Because of the program's early wins, senior management is behind it, giving the team greater access to resources such as subject matter experts from across the company to share even more knowledge in future webinars.The team is also enhancing the Knowledge Base further, making the depth of content covered in their webinars more searchable, so more customers can find it.Finally, they're incorporating their webinar content into new hire training, and making it easier for team members to proactively share it with customers.

"Our group's mission centers around finding innovative ways to deliver the best possible customer experience.BigMarker has made it easier for us to achieve our goal by being easy
to use, offering a helpful support team to assist us, offering a useful Q&A feature that enables us to take in questions during live webinars, and making it easy for us to repurpose webinar content for the benefit of not just today's customers, but future ones too."

"BigMarker has been a pleasure to work with.We've had a wonderful experience!"

Cimberli Kearns, Technical Training Program Manager, Oracle

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