Solutions / Virtual Events

Host virtual events that stand out from the crowd

The world's leading brands and agencies trust BigMarker to create truly one-of-a-kind virtual event experiences.

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Top-rated Virtual Platform

BigMarker is consistently rated a category leader on top software review sites:G2,Capterra, andGetApp.

Truly Customizable Experience

Anything but generic!Customize your event's look, feel, and flow, creating truly one-of-a-kind experiences.

Mix & match 15+ modules

15+ modules enable you to create a variety of event formats leveraging content, networking, sponsor, and audience engagement elements.

Customizable Event Platform

Create world-class live event experiences

BigMarker's leading virtual events platform is the perfect way to reach audiences anywhere in the world.Bring together customers, industry partners, or members of your organization.Design every aspect of the live experience from how panel discussions look, to Interactive Q&A sessions, to calls to action.

Explore the Virtual Venue →
Networking & Interactive Features

Create value by making your event interactive

By connecting attendees with the people they are most interested in networking with, you help attendees create connections that are valuable for achieving their own goals.AI-powered Speed Networking, Breakouts, and Round Tables are three powerful networking tools for your next event.

Explore Event Networking →

Deliver results: eyeballs to engagement to revenue

BigMarker's virtual events platform is built from the ground up to help you deliver value to attendees--and results for your organization.

  • Build highly-customizable event landing pages designed to capture registrants and sell tickets
  • Engage attendees with thoughtfully-crafted networking experiences
  • Monetize your event with an array of sponsorship opportunities, from sponsored sessions, to ad banners and customizable exhibitor booths
  • Capture a ton of data, and push everything to Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, Eloqua, andmore

Top Virtual Events Features

Event Websites

Share details about event, speakers, agenda, and sponsors

Registration & Ticketing

Digital activation spaces for your sponsors/exhibitors

Payment Processing

Send webinar invitations and trigger automated emails to remind people to come, or follow-up with viewers later.

Bizzabo & Cvent Integrations

Import registrants automatically from another platform for registration

Customizable 2D or 3D Lobby

Stand out with a dynamic, branded entry area for your virtual event


List sessions by day and track, allowing people to favorite them and join

Attendee Profiles & Badge Builder

Give attendees the ability to add their information & build their event badge

AI-driven Matchmaking

Connect attendees to the highest value connections based on your preset criteria

Customizable Agenda

Give attendees the ability to pre-register for sessions, with personalized recommendations

Sessions & Stages

Present your content live or simulive to audiences up to 50,000 people

Expo Hall

Provide digital activation spaces for your sponsors and exhibitors

Networking Center

Provide an Attendee Directory with AI-driven Matchmaking, Chat Rooms, and Roundtables


Incentivize engagement with a Leaderboard & sponsor-provided Prize Packs

Publish session replays and other content in an optional on-demand hub

Attendee-level Analytics

Generate reports of content performance, attendee engagement, and more

Powering Virtual & Hybrid Events for the World's Most Innovative Companies

"We chose BigMarker because of the high degree of customization with regard to branding and experience.But perhaps the best part has been having a team of experts there to support us in building our events."

Mau Guloy, Brand Marketing & Events Strategist, Thinkific

Ready to learn more?

We're available to provide pricing and guided tours of our webinar, virtual, hybrid & in-person event solutions.

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