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Automated Webinar

Pre-recorded webinars that include all of the engagement features typical of a live session, giving the interactivity of a live webinar with the freedom to of little supervision.

New as of 01/09/2023: Now, add your pre-loaded videos into your automated workflow without re-uploading them.

Automated Webinarsare pre-recorded webinars that include all of the engagement features typical of a live session, including polls, Q&As and a live chat.This gives guests the interactivity of a live webinar, while giving hosts the freedom to host webinars more frequently with minimal supervision.

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What features are included in automated webinars?

Automated Webinarfeatures include: HD Audio & Video, HD Screen sharing, Recording, Play videos, Present files, Whiteboard, No limit on presenters, Option to embed into your website, Call to Action Popups, Public & private chat, Q&A and upvoting, Polls & Quizzes, Handouts and the ability to host a Twitter chat.

How can hosts create interactive presentations that play automatically?

Hosts can organize all of these features into a coherent presentation that plays automatically for guests by creating anautomated workflow.Think of an automated workflow as a timeline, with each of the features of a webinar (videos, polls, etc.) composing individual events on that timeline.Hosts can add these events to their automated workflow and test it before the webinar is published.Learn how to create automations later in this article.

How to Create an  Automated Webinar

1.On the Host Dashboard, selectCreate a Webinar.

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2.When creating a webinar, select theAutomated Webinar type and fill out the webinar details.

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3.Next, enter its name, description and posting schedule in the fields shown below.If you want the session to play more than once on your channel, open the dropdown below "When?" and chooseRecurringinstead of One Time.Select your desired run dates and times in the prompts that follow.You can schedule more than 20 replays at once.

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How can I create the automated workflow that makes up my webinar?

After creating your webinar, you'll be prompted to create its automated workflow.To add your first event to the workflow, selectNew Auto Event.

Note:If you've already hosted an automated webinar and want to use the same workflow in this session, selectImportto add your past workflow from a previous webinar or  CSV file to this webinar.

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In the pop-up that appears, select your desired event.

In the right-hand drawer that opens, upload any necessary content to your presentation and set its runtime within the presentation.For example, if you want a video to play 30 seconds after your webinar begins, go to Play the Video..., then set it to play0h, 00m, 30 seconds after start time.

Note that you can also play full videos or portions of videos, using the prompt shown below.

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How do I adjust settings for my automated webinar?

When you have completed your automation you will have access to the webinar's dashboard.here you canEditsettings for the webinar, add and/removePresenters,Designthe landing page, Set upEmails and Invitations,Managethe webinar, addAutomations, and take advantage ofIntegrations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can hosts share their camera/mic in an automated webinar?

  • Yes!Hosts can "go live" at any point in the webinar.Once the webinar is live, select the microphone and/or camera icon below to share audio and video, respectively.

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Can hosts automate a live webinar?

  • Yes!Learn how to create a live webinarhere.In its dashboard, select theAutomationtab.From there, follow the same steps shown above to create an automated workflow.

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Can hosts turn Automation on and off?

  • Yes!Hosts can disable automation both inside and outside of the webinar room.
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Do I have to re-upload my pre-loaded videos into my automated workflow?

  • No, any videos that have been pre-loaded into the Pre-load section will appear in theChoose a Videodropdown menu.

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