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BigMarker Feature Glossary

We have a very comprehensive site full of customizable options.Learn more below to get an overview on each and every feature.

Ad Banner:A sponsored ad that can be displayed underneath the video playback of a webinar or virtual event session.

Automated Emails:BigMarker has a full-featured email platform with templates of emails for invitations, registration reminder and confirmations, presenter reminders and confirmations, and more, all of which can be customized and pre-scheduled within the BigMarker platform.

Automation:When a webinar or virtual event session is automated, it runs entirely on autopilot.Every event of the session—from opening the webinar room to playing videos and distributing offers—runs on its own without input from the host.Hosts create automated sessions by pre-loading their content into the BigMarker platform prior to their event, then creating an automated workflow to organize that content into a structured presentation.

Automated Workflow: A timeline of automated events that take place during a session.Hosts of automated sessions need to manually build this workflow prior to the event's scheduled start time.

Chat:During a webinar or virtual event session, attendees, presenters and hosts can talk to one another in a public chatbox.

Channels:the unique site that hosts all of your video content on BigMarker.Typically, companies host all of their webinars on one channel.Virtual events are hosted on their own channel, and all of the event modules and sessions associated with that event are formatted as webinars, which live in that channel.

Custom Registration Fields:Additional prompts on a webinar or virtual event registration form that collect additional data about the registrant, i.e., job title, industry, etc.This is typically used for marketing purposes.

Engagement Transcript Email:If this feature is turned on, the webinar or virtual event host receives an email containing a transcript of all public chats, Q&As, Poll results, and Offer downloads after the session ends.

Exit URL:A link that displays at the end of a webinar or virtual event session to redirect attendees to their next direction.Usually, the exit URL leads attendees to the company's website or offer page, or the lobby of the virtual event.

Exhibitor Booth: a webinar room within the larger Expo Hall, in which an individual exhibitor can interact with attendees.Exhibitors can chat with attendees, show videos and product demonstrations, distribute offers and handouts and schedule meetings within their booths.

Expo Hall:a module within a virtual event that hosts all of the event's exhibitors.On this page, guests can click into each exhibitor booth.

Gamification: a series of challenges in which attendees can win prizes (typically in the form of product donations from sponsors) by engaging in desired engagement behaviors (visiting an exhibitor, attending a session, etc.)

Handouts:During a webinar or virtual event session, hosts can distribute a document that synthesizes the main points of that session into key takeaway, which attendees can download directly from the webinar room and use for enhanced comprehension.

Integrations:the merging of two apps or softwares so that data from one service flows automatically to the other, minimizing the manual labor required by data transfer.For instance, when BigMarker is integrated with Marketo, your BigMarker event attendees are automatically uploaded as contacts to Marketo, and lists of Marketo contacts are available as potential invitees in BigMarker.

Interactive Webinars:A Live Experience format used for sessions with less than 50 people.Interactive webinars/event sessions are highly interactive, real-time events best suited for meetings and round tables where attendees participate with mics + webcams actively.Presenters and attendees will both see the default webinar room, and there is no delay, allowing for seamless audience participation.

Landing Pages:a standalone web page on which guests can register for a virtual event or webinar.It's where a visitor "lands" after they click on a registration link in an email, or digital ads.

Lobby:the space in the virtual event in which attendees gather between sessions

Lounge:a series of chat rooms within the Networking Center in which attendees can interact with one another, and with event partners and presenters.Attendees can also initiate one-on-one video calls with one another in this space.

Lucky Draw:a form of gamification in which an attendee is chosen at random from the session audience to receive a prize

Main Stage:the space in the virtual event site that hosts agenda sessions and keynote speakers.

Microsite:the website that hosts your virtual event.

Networking Center:a virtual event module in which attendees can interact to one another in public or one-on-one chats.

One-Click Registration:If this function is active, guests can fully register for your webinar or virtual event by clicking one button within their invitation email.

Picture in Picture:While attending a virtual event session, attendees can minimize their view of the session so that they can navigate to other areas of the event microsite, including the Expo Hall and Networking Center.Their ongoing session appears as a small square in the lower left corner of their screen.

Polls:during a webinar or virtual event session, hosts can ask poll questions to gauge comprehension or learn more about their audience.These questions appear as full-screen pop-ups or slide outs.

Pop-Up Offers:During a webinar or virtual event session, hosts can distribute offers for free trials or exclusive discounts to attendees via a pop-up.These offers appear as either full-screen or a slideout pop-up to attendees, and links to an external website of the presenter's choice.

Presenter Confirmation and Reminders:Presenters receive an automated confirmation email from the BigMarker platform when they are added as presenters to each webinar or virtual event session.They also receive two reminder emails, 24 hours and 30 minutes respectively, before their scheduled start time.Each of these emails contain links to calendar invites.

Presenter On and Offstage:During a webinar or virtual event session, hosts can bring presenters "on stage," which allows them to share their microphone, webcam, screen, multimedia and handouts.They can also take presenters "offstage," which essentially mutes the presenters.This function is especially helpful in a panel or debate setting with multiple presenters.

Prize Pack: a bundle of products, typically donated by sponsors and exhibitors, which can be offered as a reward in gamification challenges.

Q&A:during a webinar or virtual event, guests can submit questions via a chat box on screen.Hosts can reply and upvote questions within that chatbox.Attendees can also upvote questions submitted by others.

Recording:Hosts can record their webinar or virtual event session, then download that recording from the BigMarker platform a few hours after the webinar or virtual event session ends.

Recording Published Notification:Attendees, presenters and hosts receive an automated email from the BigMarker platform when the recording of their webinar or virtual event session has been published.This encourages participants to interact with and share your event content after the event itself has ended.

RTMP:RTMP is aTCP-based protocoldesigned to transmit a very high volume of audio and video streaming with little delay or "lag" for the audience.To increase the amount of data that can be smoothly transmitted, streams are split into smaller fragments called packets.RTMP also defines several virtual channels that work independently of each other for packets to be delivered on.This means that video and audio are delivered on separate channels simultaneously.

Saved Contacts Tab:In the Networking Center, attendees can "favorite" contacts that they would like to connect with.Those contacts are listed for reference in the Saved Contacts tab of the Networking Center.

Virtual Business Card:during check-in, virtual event guests have the option of creating a digital business card, which lists their name, professional bio, social media widgets, a link to their calendar and a link to a private chat room.This facilitates networking, as guests can use Virtual Business Cards to decide who to connect with, then contact them using the chat and social media functions.

Waiting Room:Attendees can "enter" a webinar or virtual event session up to 30 minutes before its scheduled start time.If the presenter has not yet allowed attendees into the session, attendees are directed to a waiting room, a screen that can include company branding, a countdown clock and entry video.

Webinar Feedback Survey:Two hours after a webinar or virtual event session, attendees receive an automated email from the BigMarker platform

White Label Domain:By default, all event microsites created on BigMarker take the following form: eventname.bigmarker.com.A white label domain contains only the event host's name or chosen label, removing the BigMarker name from the URL.An example of a white labeled domain is futureofwork.com, as opposed to futureofwork.bigmarker.com.

Note:"domain masking" refers to the process of creating a white label domain.
