Can I Add a Section to Show Presenter Information and the Webinar Description in my Live Webinar?

Display the description of their webinar — as well as the names and titles of their presenters — in a panel on the top left corner of the active webinar room

New as of 10/19/2022:Edit the event's title, description, and add presenters during your live event.

Hosts can now display the description of their webinar — as well as the names and titles of their presenters — in a panel on the top left corner of the active webinar room (as shown below).This allows hosts to share the most relevant information about the event with attendees in one prominent place in the webinar room.

Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 1.56.42 PMLearn how to add this section to your webinar room below.

How to Add The Webinar Description Panel To The Webinar Room

1.Log in to your webinar and select theManage Webinartab.Staying in this tab, scroll down to theLive Attendee Experiencesection and selectCustomize.Screen_Shot_2021-12-13_at_10.11.37_AM.png

2.On the page that follows, selectShow left panel with webinar and presenters info.

3, SelectSave and Exitto complete.Once enabled, the presenters' names and titles, as well as the description, will be visible in the webinar room.

Watch the video below to see this in action:

Additionally, attendees can view upcoming webinars in your series.First, you will need to make a series and add webinars into that series through the main Series dashboard.Automatically, this will populate as a separateSessionssection on the left hand panel where attendees are able to switch between viewing the Presenters and the upcoming Sessions.

You have the option to refresh the sessions lists to continually rotate and display those upcoming sessions.  Click therefresh buttonto do so.It'simportant to notethat you are only able to refresh this list once every 5 minutes (roughly 300 seconds).The upcoming sessions will show to attendees sometime in this time frame.There will be a prompt giving you the approximate seconds left until you can refresh the sessions list.

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In your webinars, you can edit the webinar's title, about section and update presenter information at any point in your event.This way, you can adjust who is presenting and inform your audience on topics that are getting discussed to update the information in your longer events.Simply clickEditto edit the information.For presenters, you can add new presenters to the event or use the dropdown menu to select from existing presenters.

Note: Only Channel Hosts/Admins, and Presenters withcan manage webinar pageaccess are able to edit these settings

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Watch the video below to see this in live action:
