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  2. Webinars
  3. Webinar Settings and Administration

Can I make my evergreen webinar into a template?Can I copy my evergreen webinar?

Create templates of your Evergreen sessions and webinars to easily apply when creating future sessions with minimal effort.

BigMarker hosts can create templates for their Evergreen sessions as well as copy their Evergreen webinars.This allows them to "save" most of the settings they've used in their previous evergreen webinars, then apply them to future sessions with minimal additional effort.Besides saving time, this also reduces the risk of human error and lost data.

What settings from my original webinar will carry over to the webinar template?

When hosts create a template of an evergreen webinar, the following settings from the original webinar will be copied to the template.(So you won't need to input them again.)

  • All Scheduled Automations
  • Emails and Invitations
  • Presenter information and permissions
  • All session date range and time specifications
  • All custom registration fields
  • Design settings for the webinar and the landing page
  • Registration Check, which checks registrations from other webinars.
  • Most settings located in the Edit tab of the webinar dashboard, including:
    • Thedescriptionof the webinar ("About Webinar")
    • Webinar Sizesettings
    • Ticketing informationand settings
    • Privacysettings
    • AdvancedSettings

Note: We recommend confirming that all of the above settings are correct before creating a template of your evergreen webinar.

What settings from my original webinar will not carry over to the webinar template?

The following settings areNOTcopied over from the original webinar to the template.Hosts will need to manually add the following information to the new template.

  • Registrant lists

We recommend that hosts who use webinar templates do the following:

  • Mute all outgoing emails before creating a template.

How can I create an Evergreen Template from an existing webinar?

  1. Log in to the evergreen webinar that you would like to convert into a template.Select theManage Webinartab.
  2. Select theMorebutton, located under the time and date of the webinar.
  3. In the drop down menu that opens, selectCreate Webinar Template.

4.In the pop-up that appears, press "OK" to proceed with creating a template of that webinar.You may also press "Cancel" to go back and make any necessary adjustments.Once you are ready to proceed to the next step, press OK.

How can I select a default template or edit an existing template?

Changes to existing templates can be made on  your channel's settings page.

1.Go to your channel's homepage.Click the three horizontal bars seen below.In the dropdown menu that opens, selectSettings.

2.From there, you'll proceed to your channel's settings page.On the left-hand menu of this page, selectTemplates.

3.In the Templates tab is a list of all templates saved on your channel.Here, you can edit your templates and set a default for your channel, including the following:

  • To edit a template, select the pencil icon next to its name.
  • To select a template as the default for your channel, checkSave as Defaultnext to its name.
  • To delete a template, select the trash icon next to its name.
  • To create a new template, select the blueNew WebinarTemplate button

PressSave & Exitto save any changes to your webinar templates.Once you have saved your template, you will be able to select it when you create a new evergreen webinar on your channel.
