Can I Set Up Sticky Notes Before My Event Goes Live?

You can now pre-set sticky notes before your webinar goes live  — without using automation.

Sticky notes now have their own dedicated tab in the Manage Webinar tab of the webinar dashboard.There, you can customize the message, link and color of each sticky note.This allows you to create important messages, marketing call-to-actions or interactive features to your attendees before your event begins.

Pre-loading these messages gives you more time to interact with attendees and manage other parts of the session during the event itself.

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Learn more about this enhancement below.

How to Pre-set Sticky Notes

  1. Log in to your webinar and select theManage Webinartab.
  2. Staying in this tab, scroll down and select theStickytab.
  3. Enter the message, link (if applicable) and color of your sticky note.
  4. ClickSavewhen finished.

Note: Sticky Notes set this way are set per webinar.You can create webinar templates to carry Sticky Notes from webinar to webinar.

You can also add custom HTML into themessage text boxof your Sticky Note.This will create a unique Sticky Note for your event.It is important to note that if custom HTML is added to your Sticky Note, any comments that are pinned to the top will delete your HTML.

Note:Sticky Notes with custom HTMLhaveto be set before the webinar is started and cannot be entered in or edited during the live event.

Watch the video below to see this in action:
