Generate Personalized Event Tickets for Each Registrant and Attach them to Confirmation Emails

Add personalized, custom ticketing to your registration emails and give ticket-holders a seamless event experience.

Want to create a custom email attachment for your registration emails?We've made the process simple by enabling a new type of custom landing page called "Email Attachment." You can build out your custom landing page to feature whatever type of information you'd like to provide to your attendees.

This feature is currently in Beta.During the Beta release period, you and your BigMarker account team will work hand-in-hand to get your tickets stood up.

BigMarker will work closely with you to choose a template that we have already created, or you can use a template that you generate, and we'll load the content into the page designer for you.From there, the team will help you map all the fields so that the custom landing page you've created will  link to the event admin registration system of your choosing.

Your custom landing page, and subsequent email, may look something like the below image if you're creating a custom ticket for attendees to receive after they've registered for your event.

Once your custom page is created and saved, you'll navigate back to your main event page in order to manage yourEmails & Invitations.Click onEmail Invitationsin the left hand navigation menu.Then, you'll select yourRegistration Confirmation Emailto edit.

After completing the design of your email, you'll be directed to edit the content of your registration email.As you scroll toward the bottom, near the tokens that are available for use in your email, you'll see the option toAttach a Custom PDFto the Email.Select this box.A dropdown menu will appear, containing all your applicable custom pages that were created as an email attachment.Select your desired custom page.
