Enable up to 10,000 attendees to share webcams with Gallery View

The ability to get thousands of attendees on-screen facilitates knowledge-sharing and can drum up valuable insight from audience members that may not have been able to participate otherwise.

By cultivating a more approachable environment, you're boosting confidence amongst your audience or employees to ask that burning question during Q&A.

To enable this feature, you first need to ensure your webinar is enabled for up to 64 cameras and the green room is on.Additionally, the Studio needs to be on as well - this can be done by your BigMarker admin.Your BigMarker admin will also need to enable this mode on your channel, allowing you to manage the feature at the webinar level yourself.

For this feature, there are two different modes: Discussion Mode and Presentation Mode.Presentation Mode gives attendees the ability to navigate between the presentation and the audience tabs.They'll see the presenter's content under the Presenter tab and the other audience members' cameras under the Audience tab.When this mode is selected, the audience is able to share their cameras, but not their microphones.

Presentation Mode / Tab

Audience Tab

To join the Audience tab with camera activated, click the camera button at the bottom of the screen.A screen will appear and prompt you to select how you'd like to join - with, or without camera activated.If the admin or moderator hasn't enabled Discussion Mode, you'll see that you cannot activate your microphone at this time.

Once Discussion Mode is selected, attendees can then share their mics.In this mode, presenters and admins can also disable all audience mics, individual audience members, and remove attendees from the room.For admins and moderators that are still in the Studio, they can see that Discussion Mode has been activated and is in progress.

Attendees can select the microphone button at the bottom of the screen next to the camera icon to enable their microphone.

Note:Only 16 audience mics can be enabled at one time.
