Enhance Your Screen Share Presentations by playing Webpage Audio Directly from your Chrome Tab

By simply clicking a setting on your screen during your presentation set-up, you can enable sound to play directly from your chosen webpage to your audience.

This setting is available when presenters are using theirChrome browser.
Entire Screen audio sharing is only available on a Windows machine.Both Macs and Windows allow you to share screen audio through the Chrome Tab option.

During your presentation, click the screen share button at the bottom of your control panel.You'll see several options available.In order to share your screen with the accompanying audio, you'll selectShare Screen.

The Chrome dialogue box of tabs you currently have open will appear.In the Chrome tab options, you'll see a checkbox at the bottom which readsShare Tab Audio.Selecting this box will ensure the specific Chrome tab you've selected to share will play audio for your audience.

Alternatively, if you want to share your entire computer's audio with your audience during your presentation, you'll select theEntire Screentab in the Chrome dialogue menu.This enables any audio you have playing on your entire computer to come through to your audience while you're presenting.If you are listening to a music app or have various other tabs that are playing audio, those will be audible to your attendees.
