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Evergreen Webinar

Simulive webinars that start when an attendee hits the page.

Note: Upload videos in the Pre-load section, where two new settings will allow you to play the video automatically without automation.

AnEvergreen Webinar is an automated webinar that replays on a recurring basis.

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Features include: HD Audio & Video, HD Screen sharing, Recording, Play videos, Present files, Whiteboard, No limit on presenters, Embed into your website, Call to Action Popups, Public & private chat, Q&A and upvoting, Polls & quizzes, Handouts and the ability to Host a Twitter chat.

How to Create An Evergreen Webinar

1.On the Host Dashboard, selectCreate a Webinar.

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2.When creating a webinar, select theEvergreen Webinartype and fill out the webinar details.

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3.Once you have selected Evergreen Webinar you will fill out the webinar details.

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4.Evergreen Webinars gives you have two scheduling options :

Just-in-time:Schedule sessions in real-time when a person lands on the webinar landing page or a webpage that has a popup registration form embedded
Fixed interval:Schedule sessions on pre-defined intervals (ex: every 30 minutes)
You can learn more about scheduling option here.
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5.Lastly, set which sessions to display on your webinar landing page based on the fixed interval settings.Use the dropdown menu to select which sessions you'd like displayed on your webinar's landing page.
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After entering the webinar's details and selecting Create Webinar,you will then start creating your automations.You can automate a video to play, chats, post a poll, handouts and send an offer to attendees.
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Another option when adding your videos to your Evergreen Webinar is to pre-upload the video file in the pre-load section and check off Set to the on demand video in webcast mode.What this will do is automatically play it, similar to setting it up on an automated timeline.
If you have more than one video, check off Opening Videoto signify which video should play first.
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When you have completed your automations you will now have access to the webinar's dashboard. here you can Editsettings for the webinar, add and/remove Presenters, Designthe landing page,  Set up Emails and Invitations, Managethe webinar, add Automations,and take advantage of Integrations.

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