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Further Customize Certificates of Completion for Your Next Webinar

It's now possible to add multiple Certificates of Completion to your webinars or series.Additionally, you can further customize Certificates with even more webinar criteria to create a more robust offering for attendees.

Previously, it was only possible to add one Certificate of Completion per webinar or series.Now, BigMarker has made it possible to add multiple different Certificates to any given webinar or series, depending on which specific criteria you want to certify.

The newly added criteria for certification can be linked to an attendee's registration data and the information that they entered, based on your mandatory registration fields.Simply, only attendees that have registered with your conditional value are eligible for certain certificates, if that's how you've chosen to customize a certificate.Perhaps in order to qualify for a certain certificate, an attendee has to have checked in onsite.You can set that condition in the criteria section for the Custom Registration Field, as shown in the image below:

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Another way to customize your Certificates is to employ the newly added Webinar Tag condition.The webinar tags for each webinar are set-up and managed at the channel level.Webinar tags are used to label and categorize your webinars.You can also add a value to your webinar tags in order to more easily track credits when the time comes for certification.

If in order to secure a Certificate of Completion your attendees need to have viewed a certain webinar or webinars for credits, you can apply a webinar tag condition in your certificate criteria.The webinar tag value can also now be populated directly onto the certificate.

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Something to keep in mind as you're adding multiple conditions and criteria is that everything is mutually inclusive.All criteria you have entered has to be met in order for the attendee to qualify for a Certificate of Completion.
