How can I set my polls to display as slide outs or pop-ups?

Display polls either as full screen pop-ups or as a slide out window, customizing the unique feel for each webinar

Polls are the most effective way to engage your audience while also collecting valuable marketing information from them.

However, the layout and appearance of your polls can impact your audience's response rate and, as a result, the quality of data you generate from your session.

Hosts can now display polls either as full-screen pop-ups or as a slide out window that appears on the bottom left-hand corner of the webinar room, as shown below.

The slide out option allows attendees to complete the poll without losing sight of the presentation, which can improve response rates, collect more actionable data, and inform your future event programming.

In this article, learn how to display your polls as slide out windows.

How to Create Slide Out Polls

1.Log in to your webinar and select theManage Webinartab.

2.Staying in this tab,scrolldown an locatePolls.Select Polls, then Pre-Load Polls.From there, you'll proceed to the poll editor.

3.From there, you'll proceed to the poll editor.A list of poll questions you've already pre-loaded to your session will appear on this page.

4.To the display of an existing poll, find your desired poll question in the list below, then selectEdit.

5.In the editor that opens, checkDisplay Poll as Slide Out.ClickSaveto complete.

6.To create a new poll, select the blueCreate Pollbutton.Configure your poll question.In the editor, checkDisplay poll as slide out.ClickSaveto complete.
