View analytics and bulk import Coupon Codes

View detailed analytics of your coupon codes as well as bulk import them to your event, saving you time during set up.

Previously, hosts did not have one location in our reporting to see analytics on coupon codes.Now our analytic reports include a specific tab for coupon codes.This allows hosts and admins to track the success of their coupon codes and any associated marketing tactics, as well as which registrants used which codes.

Additionally, hosts can now add coupon codes to BigMarker in bulk by importing them via CSV files.

Learn how to access analytics for your coupon codes below:

How to View Coupon Code Analytics

1.Log in to your webinar and select theManage Webinartab.On the left-hand menu of this page, selectAnalytics & Reporting.

2.ClickDownload Reports, then clickWebinar Report XLS.An output XLS file will begin downloading to your device.

Note: Under theDownload Reportsdropdown, there is an option to refresh the report.When seeing this option, we recommended refreshing to have the most up-to-date coupon code analytics.

3.In the output file, select theCoupontab.This tab lists each coupon code, its number, the attendees who registered using that code, and more.

How To Bulk Import Coupon Codes

You can import bulk coupon code CSV files in both webinars and series/modules.

1.Create a CSV file listing your coupon codes.The options for field headers are:Coupon Code, Discount Type, Percent Discount, Discount Amount and Limit.For ease of use, we recommend making the fields headers in your CSV file:Coupon Code,Discount Type,Percent DiscountandLimit.

Note: You MUST select a limit in order to save and import the CSV file, entering 0 signifies you are offering an unlimited number of coupon codes to registrants.The maximum number of one coupon codes you can offer on BigMarker is 1,000,000,000.

2.Go to theEditTab, In the left-hand menu of this page, selectSell Tickets

3.ClickPaid Tickets, thenAdd New Coupon Code.

4.ClickUpload CSV File.

5.Upload your CSV file to BigMarker.The imported data will display in the new coupon code editor as shown above.In -- Ignore -- dropdown menus, select whether each data field in this sheet will be imported to BigMarker or ignored.

6.Match the header data fields from the coupon code editor to the CSV file.CheckThe first row of the file is a header rowto signify that the first row in the CSV file are the headers.ClickSubmitto complete

7.ClickSave Changeson theEdittab when finished.
