How can I let attendees into the webinar from the waiting room individually?

Gain more control and security over your session—and also conduct several 1:1 meetings during a single BigMarker session, by bringing your attendees into the room individually

Any attendee that enters the webinar room up to 15 minutes before its scheduled start time (or until the presenter manually begins the session) will automatically wait in the webinar room.Typically, attendees proceed to the waiting room automatically once the session begins.
However, hosts can also bring attendees into their sessions from the waiting room individually.This provides hosts more control and security over their session—and also allows them to conduct several 1:1 meetings during a single BigMarker session.
Enable this feature with the following steps:
1.Log into your webinar and select the Manage Webinardashboard.In the left-hand menu that appears, select Waiting Room.
2.Ensure that the waiting room has been enabled.Allow hosts to bring attendees into the webinar individually, select Enableunder Allow host to bring attendee in from waiting room individually.

How can I let attendees into the webinar room from the waiting room?

1.When an attendee enters the waiting room, their name will appear in the Host Control Panel, underAttendees.

2.Press thehourglassnext to the person's name to allow them into the webinar room.

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3.Once the attendee has entered the webinar, you can use the microphone and camera icons next to the person's name to activate their mic and camera, respectively.

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4.To make the attendee an admin or presenter of the session, click the three horizontal dotsnext to the camera icon, then selectMake AdminorMake Presenter.

5.To send the attendee back to the waiting room, selectBack to Waiting Room.(This is most useful you want to speak with one attendee at a time.)

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