How do I record my webinar?

Record your webinar by setting it to auto record or manually starting the recording live in your webinar room

You can set up your webinar to auto record, or you can start the recording manually in the live webinar room.

Auto Recording

From your Manage Webinar Dashboard scroll down to Auto Recording.SelectDisable auto recordingorEnable auto recording.

Auto recordings aredefaulted to disabled.When disabled, the recordings will need to be manually started.However, once enabled, the recording will start when either the waiting room is opened for attendees or at the webinar start time if there is no waiting room.

Manually recording in the live webinar room

1.Inside your webinar on the top control panel, clickStart Recording.

2.It will record the Audio, Video, Presentation, Screen Sharing, YouTube video, and public chat.

3.ClickStop Recordingand you will be prompted to verify stopping the recording.
