How do I use Twitter inside the Webinar Room?

Utilize Twitter by creating hashtags specific to your event, encouraging attendees to live tweet and have those tweets that display in real-time in the webinar room

You can use Twitter live in your events, where attendees can use event specific hashtags (created by you) and live tweet with the hashtag.Any tweets created with the hashtag will display in real-time during your event.Learn more below on setting up Twitter for your events.

How to Set Up Twitter for your Event

1.You need to have aTwitter account.

2.Be inside the webinar room.

3.In theChat Panel, click theTwitter Tab.

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4.Add yourHashtag.You may be asked to sign into your Twitter account and authenticate BigMarker as a trusted source.We recommend using a very specific hashtag as the feed will publish in the room.

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5.From there, you can begin Tweeting from the room!Your Hashtag and link will automatically be included in your Hashtag and conference URL in the tweet.

Attendee View:

Watch the video below to see this in live action:
