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How to Add Presenters to Your Webinar or Virtual Event Session

Presenters can be anyone who moderates, monitors, or presents for your virtual event.They have unique access to create an engaging event with your attendees.

New as of 12/06/2022:Rearrange the order of presenters in thePresentersection of your webinar.

Presenters can be anyone who moderates, monitors, or presents for your virtual event.They have unique access to create an engaging event with your attendees, such as sharing files and presentation slides, using whiteboards and laser pointers, manage the overall event and more.  Learn more about setting up Presenters below.

Table of Contents:

1.Adding Presenters to your Event

2.Granting Permissions for your Presenters

Adding Presenters to your Event

1.On theManage Webinardashboard, select thePresenterstab.

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2.Click+Add New Presenterto add a new presenter.

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Note:The Admin of the channel will automatically be added as a presenter to each session hosted by the channel.

In the pop-up that appears, add your presenter'sname, title, bio,email address,andphoto.If you are using a custom page, you can upload their photo as a badge image, which will be used similar to how their presenter photo is used in your webinar or virtual event.

You can opt to add the Presenter'ssocial media profiles, which includes: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and their own personal website.

Be sure to enter your presenter's most updated and active email address, as reminders and notifications will be sent to the email address entered in their presenter profile.

If you would likePresenters to receive email notifications from BigMarker to confirm their session, provide reminders one day and 30 minutes before their scheduled start time, and schedule a practice session!enable or disable presenter notifications via theSend presenter invitation email notificationandSend presenter reminder emailscheckboxes.We strongly recommend enabling presenter notifications.

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Beyond that, complete the presenter profile as much as possible, including the following:

Adjust Presenter Permissions:These are the presenter's permissions within the event channel and webinar room.These include the following:

  • Can manage webinar page: This enables presenters to make changes to your webinar/event session's dashboard, including its registration form, design, engagement features, advanced settings and more.
  • Can Manage event sessions and settings.Cannot view analytics or attendee list:This enables presenters to make changes to your webinar/event session's dashboard, including all the above without the ability to view analytics or the attendee registration list.
  • Can access Admin Control Page in live webinar room:This allow presenters to adjust their audience's microphone and camera permissions—and activate/deactivate engagement features (polls, Q&As, chat, etc.)—during the live session.
  • Enter as attendee: This allows presenters to also enter the event as an attendee without their presenter permissions.This is ideal for presenters who would like to enter webinars listed within a series, where they can register for webinars and enter as attendees while using their presenter links to enter as presenters.
  • Enter Camera Monitor Mode: This allows presenters to enter the event as monitors of your sessions, where maximizing of cameras will not effect the overall attendee experience/view.
  • Display presenter on webinar landing page:When this feature is active, the presenter's name, bio and contact information are listed on the webinar/event session's landing page, meaning that potential registrants can view your presenter's credentials before registering.
  • Remove BigMarker contact option:If this feature is active, your presenter cannot be contacted through the BigMarker platform.
  • Show this presenter on Networking Center: This allows the presenter to be shown in the Networking Center

Note: This is only applicable for Virtual/Hybrid events.

  • Show chat icon for presenter in booth or session room: This allows presenters to have the chat icon shown to them within a booth or session room, so to chat with the attendees.
  • Allow attendees to private chat with this presenter:This allows attendees to send a private message to a presenter either by clicking on their name in the public chat, or by finding them in the private chat panel.

    This setting is only to allow attendees to send private messages to presenters!other presenters, hosts and admins will always see all presenters and hosts and be able to private message each other.

Note:This setting is defaultedON.If turnedOFF, that presenter only will lose the ability to private chat with attendees.

On theManage Webinardashboard, if thePrivate chat with presenterssetting is turnedOFF, this will override theAllow attendees to private chat with this presentersetting and no attendees will be able to send a private message to any presenter.

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3.ClickSave Changes.

When finished, the Presenter will get an email notifying them they have been added as a Presenter to your event.This will include your event's information and their unique Presenter URL.

After adding your presenters, you are able to view the presenter's information and permissions at any point.

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ClickEdit Presenterto toggle the presenter's settings,Resend Presenter Inviteto send their presenter invite email once more, orCreate practice sessionto create a separate webinar practice session that simulates your event that presenters can practice in.

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Easily add presenters to newly created events by using dropdown menus to carry over their information from previous events or sessions.At the top of the page, you can use the dropdown menu to add a presenter from either your channel or a previous event.This way, carry over their information in a click of a button, and adjust their settings/permissions based on the event if needed.

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Granting Permissions for your Presenters

Presenters can be given or limited to certain permissions within your event or session.On theManage WebinarorManage Seriesdashboard, scroll down to thePresenter Permissionssection.

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Here, grant your presenter's access to:

  • Manage Slides- ability to move the slides
  • Manage Videos- ability to start and stop videos
  • Manage Offers- ability to create and start an offer
  • Maximize Q&A- ability to maximize Q&A to the whole audience
  • Manage Screen Share- ability to share their screen
  • Manage Audio- ability to turn on/off audio
  • Manage Lucky Draw- ability to start and use the lucky draw feature
  • Maximize Poll- ability to maximize Polls to the whole audience
  • Pin Presenter camera to right of presentation- enable the presenter's camera to the right of the presentation or files
  • Show Q&A panel for presenters- enable/disable showing the Q&A panel for presenters

These permissions will reflect within the webinar room.
