How to Create Your Virtual Event Lobby

The Lobby is the entry way into your virtual event.Create and customize the look and feel that will set the stage for what your attendees experience throughout the duration of your event.

Note:This feature is available for Event Package plan holders.If interested, please contact our Events Experts at

The Lobby is the entry way into your virtual event.It will set the stage for what your attendees see and feel throughout the duration of your event.We provide a variety of customizations for you to create that unique experience for your attendees.

The Lobby

You can access your virtual event's Lobby on theManage Event (Beta)dashboard, on theEvent Modulessection. Click onLobby, and you will be taken to the designer page for the Lobby.

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The Lobby Designer

You'll land on the attendee view of your to-be-customized Lobby.In the left-hand editor that appears, you can customize and design the header, title banner and buttons, and insert links to different areas of the event space.

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The Header

TheHeadersection is where you will be able to customize the Lobby's header.Here, you can customize:

  • Header Logo Image- the logo image that will be at the top in the header
  • Logo URL- this will redirect attendees/presenters to another internal/external site
  • Global Navigation Links- automatically includes Lobby, Media Hub, Register, and other event modules for navigational links
  • Main Navigation Style- customizable options for the global navigation links.This includes changing the colors,  text and redirect options for the buttons and links.

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The Title Banner

TheTitle Banneris the side banner where attendees can see an overview of the different components of your event within your lobby.You can customize the:

  • Logo Image- the image that will appear at the top of the Title Banner
  • Title- the title of your Title Banner
  • Title Above the Video- the title of the video/image/media that is displayed in the center of the Lobby
  • Sub Title- the sub title
  • Button Text- the text of the navigational buttons (i.e., Main Stage, Stage & Sessions)
  • Button Link- the links for the buttons (i.e., link to the Main Stage)
  • Open in new tab- you can enable on/off clicking a navigation link and having it redirect within the same screen or redirecting and opening in a new tab
  • Main Display Type- the media that will display in the center of the Lobby.You can choose from: Live sessions, image, video, timer, or none.
  • Video Image- a display image for your video
  • Embed Video- a text box to enter in the embed code for the video
  • Timer- customize the timer title and color
  • Countdown date- set the date and time for the countdown to count down to
  • Banner image- customize the color and image for the background banner image

    And more.

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TheSessionstab will display the sessions in your Virtual Event that showcase in your Lobby.You can customize:

  • Sessions- add, create and customize the display of the sessions
  • Allow users to access individual sessions before registering- allow attendees to look at individual sessions before needing to register to the main event

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Custom Embed

TheCustom Embedsection is where you can add custom HTML/CSS into your lobby.This section will contain an open text field to input your code.

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You can addMatchmakingcategories to your lobby so attendees in the lobby can connect with other attendees.You can add:

  • Matchmaking title- title of your matchmaking category (i.e., What languages do you speak?)
  • Matchmaking content name- name of the content of your matchmaking (i.e., English, Spanish)
  • Matchmaking content text color- change the color of the text of the matchmaking content

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