How to Create your Virtual Event's Expo Booth

Expo Booths are where your attendees can engage with exhibitors while experiencing the unique feel of each booth.Attendees can visit, leave, and come again throughout the duration of your virtual event.

Note:This feature is only available for Virtual Events and Enterprise plan holders.Please contact our Sales team at to learn more.

The Expo Booths are the bread and butter of your Expo Hall.These are where your attendees can engage with the exhibitors while experiencing the unique feel of each exhibitor.Attendees can visit, leave, and come again throughout the duration of your virtual event.

Important!In the BigMarker system, the Expo Hall is structured as a webinar series.So in this Expo Hall, each individual exhibitor's booth will take the form of an individual evergreen webinar.Unlike live webinars, evergreen webinars are automated presentations scheduled to begin "just in time" as the visitor enters the booth environment, giving each participant an identical, full exhibitor experience regardless of whether they enter the booth on the hour or 20 minutes after.

Table of Contents:

1.Creating an Expo Booth

2.Customizing the Expo Booth - Edit

3.Overview of the Expo Booth - Manage

4. Enter Booth

Creating an Expo Booth

1.On your virtual event'sManage Event (Beta)dashboard, scroll down on the left hand side and click theExhibitorssection.

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2.ClickCreate Booth

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3.Enter in your Exhibitor's basic information:

  • Booth Image- the image for the booth that appears in the Expo Hall
  • Tradeshow- The Expo Hall this Exhibitor booth is under
  • Exhibitor Name- the name of the Exhibitor
  • Booth size- the size of the thumbnail image of the booth within the Expo Hall
  • Booth title- the title of the booth
  • About- A description about the Exhibitor/Exhibitor booth

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4.ClickSave & Exit

Repeat the above steps to create as many Expo booths needed in your Expo Hall.You can view, edit, manage, and enter the booth all from the Exhibitor section.

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Customizing the Expo Booth - Edit

You can add each Exhibitor's branding and messaging to their individual booth.After creating your Expo Booth, clickEditto add customizations.There are a few different tabs to add customizations into:Basics, Graphics, Content, Automation, Features and Settings.


The Basics tab will contain the information entered in when creating your Expo booth.It contains:

  • Booth Image- the image for this booth
  • Exhibitor Name- the name of the expo booth
  • Booth Size- the size of the thumbnail for the expo booth
  • Booth Title- the title of the expo booth
  • About- the description of the expo booth
  • Booth Staff- the exhibitors who have access to the booth

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The Booth Staff are those who have access and are the presenters in that booth.You can send email invitations to those who would be the Booth Staff.Click the+button, then enter in the first name, last name, email address and customize or keep the meeting invite to send to the recipient.ClickInvitewhen finished.

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You can manage an individual's booth access here as well.Using the dropdown, select which level of access the individual should have:

  • Booth Admin- can enter and build the booth, while being able to view analytics and download attendee lists
  • Booth Builder- can only enter and build the booth
  • Booth Presenter- can only enter the booth
  • Meeting Builder- can enter the Meetings and Meeting settings for the Booth


Graphics is where you can add the visuals for your Expo booth.You can add:

  • Expo Hall Thumbnail- the image of the booth in the virtual Expo Hall
  • Expo Hall Mobile Thumbnail- the image of the booth in the mobile Expo Hall
  • Booth Logo- the logo of the booth
  • Booth Background- the background image for the booth
  • Sponsor Banners-  banner images or GIFs to help monetize your session with sponsorships

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Click theAddtext to select a file and upload it into the respective section.ClickEditto change the image or remove it.


Pre-load your content into your booth here.You can pre-load:

  • Presentations
  • Videos
  • On-Demand videos
  • Polls
  • Handouts
  • Offers

Click the+icon to add in your files/videos.

Note:To learn more about pre-loading content, clickhere.

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Here, add in any automation into your Expo Booth.To learn more about adding automation into your booth, clickhere.

You can turn off automation here as well, but switching off the toggle in the top right hand.

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The Features tab will have all the settings for customizing the attendee experience within the Expo Booth.Here you can toggle on/off engagement settings, such as:

  • Chat
  • Q&A
  • Polls
  • Handouts
  • Offers
  • Attendee List

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You can turn on/off emails and App surveys from this section.Simply clickEditand then turn on or off emails or mobile app surveys for the Expo Booths.Each setting will have a redirect to go to each's equivalent backend to customize there.

  • Emails (clickhereto learn more)
  • Surveys (clickhereto learn more)

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Each Expo Booth will have these settings to truly customize their booth based on their own unique branding and message.

Overview of the Expo Booth - Manage

After customizing your Booth, you are now ready to manage it.ClickManageto enter the Expo Booth.

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You will be redirected to the Booth Dashboard, a comprehensive look inside the booth with options to customize, view your audience, and enable on our Meeting Scheduler (learn morehere).

Booth Dashboard

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On theBooth Dashboard,at the bottom, will be all the settings you customized and set in the Edit Section.You can view the booth basics, content, graphics, expo booth staff, settings, and interactive panel features.You are able to clickEditand be redirected to its section to adjust.

You have a few more important components here.Starting at the top of the screen, you can edit the booth (at the top), go live in the booth and enter the booth.Entering the booth will be similar to entering the webinar room as Exhibitors can enter their booth from there.

Note:In order for attendees to enter the booths, the booth must be LIVE.Enable on Go Live to allow attendee access into the booth.

Moving to the right hand side, you will be able to see the booth status, a shareable booth link, steps needed/completed for your booth and a quick booth guide PDF for further questions.

Above the example booth image, you have the ability to launch the designer builder for the booth.ClickLaunch Builderat the top and be taken to the designer page.

Note: You will only be able to add a Logo image within the Booth Builder.The booth is apart of your Expo Hall series.

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Last but not least, you can select whether your booth isAutomated(is on an automated timeline) orLive(an exhibitor is inside the booth manually running it) at the bottom of the example image.


View all the guests that enter your expo booth.TheAudiencetab will show their name, title and company.

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Meetings/Meeting Scheduler

You can enable on our Meeting Scheduler feature within your Expo Booths, allowing attendees to schedule meetings with Exhibitors.Exhibitors can manage their upcoming and current meetings on the Meetings tab.To learn more about the Meeting Scheduler, clickhere.

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You will be able to manage these components of your Expo's booth before and throughout the duration of your virtual event.

Enter Booth

Last but not least, you are able to enter the Expo Booth from the Exhibitor section.ClickEnter Boothand enter your booth!When the booth is live, you are able to present, interact with attendees and more.

Note: You are able to enter the booth at any point within the Booth Dashboard.
