How to Create Your Virtual Event's Expo Hall

Learn how to create your Virtual Event's Expo Hall

The Expo Hall is where you will house and have all your exhibitor booths in.This is important to your event, as it will be the digital central location for your attendees to visit and chat with your exhibitors at their own exhibitor booths.It's crucial to make sure that you have set up your Expo Hall for success.

Creating the Expo Hall

1.On your Virtual Event'sManage Event (Beta)dashboard, go toEvent Modules

2.EnableONthe Expo Hall module

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And that's it!Your virtual event's Expo Hall is ready to be edited.You can click on the module to be taken to it's Designer page.You can use the left hand menu to add branding and design elements to the Expo Hall's header and title banner, and more.

Note:Your Expo Hall is empty, meaning you will need to add in your Exhibitor booths individually into your Expo Hall.

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Once you've finished designing your Expo Hall, click Save & Exit to return to the virtual event's Manage Event (Beta) dashboard.This button is located on the top right corner of your page.

Adding Exhibitors to the Expo Hall

Important!In the BigMarker system, the Expo Hall is structured as a webinar series.So in this Expo Hall, each individual exhibitor's booth will take the form of an individual evergreen webinar.Unlike live webinars, evergreen webinars are automated presentations scheduled to begin "just in time" as the visitor enters the booth environment, giving each participant an identical, full exhibitor experience regardless of whether they enter the booth on the hour or 20 minutes after.

1.On the virtual event's Manage Event (Beta) dashboard, click toExhibitorson the left hand navigational bar.

2.ClickCreate Booth.

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3.Enter in your Exhibitor's basic information:

  • Booth Image- the image for the booth that appears in the Expo Hall
  • Tradeshow-
  • Exhibitor Name- the name of the Exhibitor
  • Booth size- the size of the thumbnail image of the booth within the Expo Hall
  • Booth title- the title of the booth
  • About- A description about the Exhibitor/Exhibitor booth

    4.ClickSave & Exit

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    From there, go ahead and repeat those steps to create as many Exhibitor's booths as needed for your Expo Hall.
