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How To Customize the Confirmation Page

After your attendees have finished registering for your event, relay information and drum up excitement for the event or provide additional contact information on the Confirmation Page

The registration confirmation page is where you can add your custom messaging and brand colors that attendees will see after they are finished registering.This will house all the event's important details, such as the time and date of the event, description of the event, ability to add the event to their calendar, link to the event and more.Learn more below about the customizations you can make to your event's confirmation page.

Table of Contents:

1.Where to Edit the Confirmation Page

2.Editing the Confirmation Page - Content

3.Editing the Confirmation Page - Other Options

Where to Edit the Confirmation Page

1.On your webinar's Manage Webinar dashboard, scroll down and click the Confirmation Page section.

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In this editor, you will be able to customize the content, colors, and more of your confirmation page.

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Editing the Confirmation Page - Content

You are able to customize the confirmation details, add to calendar, registration details, check your email, sharing options and cancel registration sections.You can also add images or videos in the Video section.

Confirmation Details

This section allows you to customize the confirmation details of your event.This includes:

  • Back to landing page text- the text that leads back to the event's landing page
  • Back to landing page URL- the link that leads back to the event's landing page
  • Confirmation heading- the confirmation message
  • Show webinar date and time- displays or hides the webinar date and time
  • Webinar owner- the channel that is hosting the event
  • Description text- the description of the event.

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Add any MP4 or Youtube videos you would like to show on your confirmation page.Click eitherAdd .MP4 VideoorYoutube Videoto select a file to upload.

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Below is an example of a video on a confirmation page:

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Add to Calendar

This section allows you to customize the Add to Calendar details of your event.This includes:

  • Show Add to Calendar- display or hide the Add to Calendar section
  • Add to calendar title- customize the Add to Calendar title
  • Add to calendar description- customize the Add to Calendar message/CTA
  • Calendar background color- customize the background color of the Add to Calendar section

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Registration Details

This section allows you to customize the registration details details of your event.This includes:

  • Show Registration Details- display or hide the registration details
  • Registration Details Title- customize the registration details title
  • Registration Details Description- customize the registration details message/CTA

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Check Your Email

This section allows you to customize the check your email details of your event.This includes:

  • Show Check Your Email- display or hide the Check Your Email section
  • Check your email title- customize the check your email title
  • Check your email description- customize the message for the check your email
  • Check your email instruction- customize the instruction for the check your email

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Share with Friends

This section allows you to customize the Share with Friends details of your event.This includes:

  • Show Share with Friends- display or hide the Share with Friends section
  • Share with friends Title- customize the title for your Share with Friends
  • Share with friends description- customize the message for your Share with Friends
  • Customize Share Link- enable the ability to use a custom link
  • Custom Link- insert the custom link you would like to display, with optional tokens
  • Show social share buttons- display or hide the social media platform share buttons

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Cancel Registration

This section allows you to customize the Cancel Registration details of your event.This includes:

  • Allow Cancel Registration?- display or hide the cancel registrations section
  • Cancel Registration Title- customize the title of the cancel registration section
  • Cancel Registration Description- customize the message of the cancel registration section
  • Cancel Button Text- customize the CTA of the cancel registration button
  • Button Text Color- customize the text color of the cancel registration button
  • Button Background Color- custom the button color of the cancel registration button

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Editing the Confirmation Page - Other Options

There are additional add-ons can increase the engagement and customization of your Confirmation page.You are able to add on and customize double opt-in, widgets, tracking codes, custom settings and theme settings.

Double Opt-In

Double Opt-In adds an additional level of security and confirmation to your registration.Registrants will have to confirm their email address before being redirected to the confirmation page.

This section allows you to customize the Double Opt-in details of your event.This includes:

  • Use double opt-in- enable the double-opt in for registration
  • Opt-in Title- customize the title of the double-opt in page
  • Opt-in Subtitle- customize the subtitle of the double-opt in page
  • Opt-in description- customize the message for the double-opt in page
  • Opt-in instruction- customize the instructions for the double-opt in page

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This section allows you to add widgets to your confirmation page.Click Add Widgets to be redirected to the Widgets section, where you can include a link to your website, an exclusive offer, or another webinar.

To learn more about creating widgets, click here.

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Tracking Codes

Add tracking codes to your confirmation page such as third party marketing tools (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Javascript,  etc.) to see how many clicks, conversions and registrations the page generates.

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Custom Code

Enable and add a different URL to your Confirmation Page to redirect registrants to a different website or event.You can apply this to the landing pages and widgets, or just the landing page or widgets individually.

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Theme Settings

Adjust the overall theme colors of the confirmation page.You can adjust thebackground color, title text color, description text colorandlink color.

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