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How to Integrate Eloqua with BigMarker

Integrate Eloqua with BigMarker to sync webinar or online event data automatically

Note:This feature is available to Events and Enterprise plan holders.If interested in utilizing this feature, then please contact your BigMarker account manager or an events expert at.

New as of 11/21/2022:View a record of all your Eloqua's API Calls and see if there were any import/export difficulties on a Channel-level.

Within minutes of hosting a webinar or online event on BigMarker, all of its accompanying data—attendee lists, transcripts of Q&As and chats and more—will automatically sync to Eloqua, allowing your team to reach out to your webinar/online events leads with more speed, precision and success than ever before.

New as of June 2023:You can now set up your Eloqua integration to automatically update on-site attendee status during check-in, and pull that audience data directly into your CRM.Below is a screenshot of the integration set up to select.

Table of Contents

1.How to integrate BigMarker with Eloqua

2.Blind Submission Forms

3.Progressive Profiling

4.How to sync existing fields in Eloqua to BigMarker during registration

How to integrate BigMarker and Eloqua

1.On your webinar'sManage Webinardashboard, head to your theIntegrationstab and then find theEloquaintegration.

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2.Sync Eloqua with BigMarker: Enter the company name, username and password associated with your Eloqua account and sync your account with BigMarker.

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3.Import Settings:Import registrants from your Eloqua account to your BigMarker event by setting your import preferences.Once active, imports are pushed to BigMarker within a few minutes of being added to Eloqua.

If you would like your conditional import value automatically set to the webinar ID, clickAutomatically update import conditions to equal new webinar ID when copying this webinar/templateon the webinar template it was copied from.

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4.Choose Your Eloqua Custom Object to Import

Start by choosing the Eloqua Custom Object from which you'd like to import information from Eloqua to BigMarker.Once you've synced Eloqua with BigMarker, the Custom Objects on that account will appear in the dropdown underWhich Eloqua Custom Object would you like to import to?...For instance, if your registrant information is stored in a Custom Object called New Leads, select New Leads from the dropdown to ensure they are all copied over to your BigMarker account.

  • Map Data Fields

Next, map data fields from Eloqua to BigMarker.This ensures that the information you are tracking in Eloqua is stored under the right data fields on BigMarker.So if you're storing your registrants' job titles as "Position" on Eloqua, but as "Job Title" on BigMarker, data mapping "tells" BigMarker to store all "positions" from Eloqua as "job titles" on BigMarker.

As with Custom Objects, all active data fields on your Eloqua account will appear in the dropdown menu under...to Eloqua field.So to map data from Eloqua to BigMarker, select your preferred data field in the dropdown menu under ….to Eloqua field.

Then, in the BigMarker dropdown menu immediately to its left, select its counterpart on BigMarker.Following our example, we'd select"Job Title"in the dropdown underMap BigMarker fieldand "Position" under...to Eloqua field.

  • Do you want any registrant information in this import to replace any records you have in BigMarker for that registrant?If so, checkOverride existing data with latest Eloqua import.

5.Export Settings:You can export your BigMarker event's registration and attendee data to your Eloqua account by setting your export preferences.

To do this, follow the same procedure you did in the previous step.Select the Custom Object to which you'd like to export your registration and attendee data.

Then, under"Map Data Fields,"select the BigMarker data fields you want to capture and match them with their counterpart in Eloqua.

Save export settings and export to Eloqua.

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Now, view custom object records of your attendees who are in breakout rooms!These unique custom objects will give you analytics on the breakout rooms attendees visited.This is a great way to gain further insight into the breakout rooms attended to gauge their success.

When creating an event with breakout rooms, that has Eloqua integrated with, viewing custom object records will contain the breakout room ID as well as an associated "attended" or "not attended" data field if that registrant attended.CDO records will have a record for the main room, and the associated breakout rooms.For example, if my main event has 2 breakout rooms, one registrant will have three CDO records associated with them: one for the main room and two for the two breakout rooms.

It's important to notethat when Eloqua is integrated into your webinar, it will automatically export breakout room data into CDO records.This is important because if your event contains 5+ breakout rooms, with 100+ registrants, each registrant will have 6 CDO records appearing in Eloqua.

Blind Submission Forms

Create forms that your consumers can fill out that will automatically create custom data objects for you with our new blind submission forms!These work for both live and on-demand webinars.

How to Create a Blind Submission Form

1.When editing a form in Eloqua click on theActionsdropdown menu then selectView Form HTML…

2.A separate popup window will appear with the forms HTML.Click over to Integration Details and take the Site ID, Form Name and Post URL from the text boxes and plug them into the BigMarker fields.

3.The registration fields set up on BigMarker can be mapped to the form fields by using the ‘HTML name' found in the general properties of the selected field on Eloqua.When you have finished mapping, click Save Blind Submission Form Settings.

From there, Your Blind Submission Form data will be saved.To check if your data is being exported as expected, you can view form submission data by using theActionsdropdown menu once more in Eloqua and clickView Submission Data.Your Blind Submission Form data will populate there for viewing.

You can additionally save these settings  as the default settings moving forward with your Eloqua Integration.Check offSave these Eloqua Account Settings as default for this channelto apply.

Progressive Profiling

Progressive Profiling allows registrants that have already registered for one of your events, register for another event and have their information automatically entered into the registration form.This saves registrants an additional step of re-entering their information and streamlining their registration to additional events.

This works by Eloqua capturing the registrant's data when they register the first time, and then auto-filling that information into another event's registration form.

How to Set Up Progressive Profiling

1.Under the Progressive Profilingsection, select whether you would like Eloqua to search for an established contact or custom data object
  • If Custom Data Object, use the dropdown menu to select the custom data object of choice

2.Check offShow registration field with data auto populated with Eloqua data.

Note: If you leave this unchecked, BigMarker will ask for information not in Eloqua

3.ClickSave Progressive Profiling

You can progressively set the amount of fields to ask on your registration form by using the dropdown underSelect number of optional custom field to display.This way, you can hone in on the information you'd like to collect without overwhelming your registrants.

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Eloqua API Call Log

View logs of every Eloqua call made, whether it be an export or import.This includes seeing any errors made with exports, the success of your imports and details of the data that was transferred in the log.

Each log contains a  message (the status of the API call's activity), timestamp, and detailed log including all the data that was carried to and from BigMarker and Eloqua.This helps track and ensure each API call was successful while measuring the effectiveness of each call.

Within the Eloqua Call Log, you can view anyChannel-Level Failures across your Channel's webinars.Similar to the API call log,  you can view the webinar's ID, the date and time the log was captured and the details that transpired during the call.All are captured every time an activity has occurred within your integration.

How to sync existing fields in Eloqua to BigMarker during registration

Within the Eloqua integration settings, there will be a section forSync Data Settings.Once expanded, the first setting you need to configure is theEloqua Custom Data Object (CDO).This is the object in Eloqua that contains the fields you want to sync with BigMarker.Once chosen, you can start to map the fields.

Click onAdd another mappingto start mapping Eloqua fields with BigMarker.You'll have two dropdown options, one for choosing the BigMarker registration field  and the other for choosing the Eloqua CDO field.You can also automatically match fields of the same name, or import a list of fields by uploading a CSV.

This chosen mapping will be what is syncedafter registration.Once a user registers, BigMarker will search through the selected CDO for a record that contains the same email address.If a matching record is found, the Eloqua CDO Fields will be imported to the corresponding BigMarker fields.

This sync will happen immediately after registration, allowing you to immediately use other featuresemail tokens for registration fields, ordisplaying registration field values as chat labels.
