How to Set Up Modular Attendee View

Within Modular View, all your engagement features (Polls, Chats, Q&A, Surveys, Handouts) will be present in their own module in the webinar room.Learn how to set up Modular View for your attendees.

Note:This feature is only available for Virtual Events and Enterprise plan holders.Please contact our Sales team at to learn more.

New as of 02/10/2023:Modular View is now available in Evergreen webinars.

Modular Viewis a mode that changes the appearance of our engagement panel for the attendees, utilizing a one-page-fits-all approach.Within Modular View, all your engagement features (Polls, Chats, Q&A, Surveys, Handouts) will be present in their own module in the webinar room.Attendees can keep these present throughout the whole event, or click out of them to give more screen space when viewing the event.

Table of Contents:

  1. How to Enable Modular View
  2. How to Customize Modular View
  3. How to Add Sponsor Banners
  4. How to Show/Hide the Modules
  5. How to Show/Hide the Engagement Panel
  6. How to Move the Modules

How to Enable Modular View

1.On the Manage Webinar dashboard, scroll down to theAudience Engagementsection

2.Enable onEnable Modular Webcast View
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This will turn on the Modular View for your attendees.Here is a look at what they will see and experience during your event:

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You can also set Modular View on your webinar's dashboard.Under theLive Webinar Settings, underAudience Room Layout.ClickModularto enableModular View.

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Note: You can also set up Modular View when creating a webinar, underAudience Room Layout

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For Evergreen Webinars, go to theAudience Roomsection on yourManage Webinardashboard to enable Modular View.

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Within this view, attendees can hide or show the modules of choice, interact with your event through the engagement features, and pop out the different modules if they prefer having them front and center for your event.

How to Customize Modular View

To customize your attendee experience, clickCustomize Layoutin theAudience Roomsection or on theManage Webinardashboard.In the left hand navigation, you'll be able to set the logo & theme, customize transparency settings on your background image and your modules, and select which modules you'd like to enable during your webinar.

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How to Add Sponsor Banners

You can also add Sponsor Banners that appear below the reactions in this view for your attendees.UnderManage Webinar, you'll scroll to findAD Bannersin the left hand navigation menu.From there, you'll select the blue text that reads:Click Here to Add Ad Banner Image, upload your sponsor banner of choice, ensuring you're following the recommended size of 985x80.Then, input your sponsor banner URL, select whether you'd like your sponsor banner to show as a bottom banner or pop-up andSave.

You can add multiple banners as well.Just upload your sponsor banners one at a time and enter your preferredBanner Display Time.Or, choose to display your banners in random order by checking the corresponding box.

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How to Show/Hide the Modules

Attendees can show different modules or click out of them, essentially hidin

g them from the screen.Attendees can click theXat the top right corner to hide the module and click the bottom engagement panel to bring it back up.

How to Show/Hide and Adjust the Location of the Engagement Panel

You can adjust the engagement panel at the bottom, by either showing/hiding it or by adjusting the justification of the panel.On the Host Control Panel, under the Modular Webcast Settings, you are able to enable the dock on/off, showing or hiding the engagement panel for your attendees to use.This will prevent attendees from being able to minimize the modules.

When enabled, attendees can use the panel buttons to minimize and maximize the panel buttons.You can adjust the position of the panel buttons as well, using the dropdown menu to select left, center or right.

How to Move the Modules

As the webinar Admin, you are able to move the modules around by a simple click and drag.Simply, click and then drag the modules to the location of choice.This can be set in advance in the preview webinar room or in real-time.Watch the video below to see this in live action.
