I Have No Sound and Can't Hear the Presenters

Follow the troubleshooting steps below if you cannot hear any presenters in the webinar room

I Can't Hear Anyone Else in the Webinar

  • Make sure that thepresenter is actually sharingtheir mic and your device'svolume is turned up.
  • If you are using headphones, try unplugging them.
  • Is your computer muted?Do your speakers/head phones work?
  • Tryreloading the roomor refreshing the page.
  • If that doesn't work, tryrestarting your browser.
  • If that doesn't work, tryrestarting your computer.
  • If this doesn't work,please check your system and our requirements.

If you have tried everything above, please click the links below.

Click here for Windows.

Click here for Mac.

Emailsupport@bigmarker.comif you are still having issues.
