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Integrate Calendly with BigMarker

Learn how to integrate Calendly with BigMarker

1.Start at your webinar dashboard, then select the Integrations tab.

2.Select theCalendlyintegration.

3a.If you have your Calendly account's API key available, enter it in the space provided.If you know how to obtain your Calendly API key, skip to step 4.If not, continue to step 3b to learn how to locate your API key on Calendly.

3b.To obtain your Calendly account's API key, log into Calendly and select the Integrations tab.

3c.Your API key—a long string of letters covered by the brown rectangle below—will be displayed on the Integrations page.Click Copy Key, return to step 3a, then paste this code in the prompt to continue the integration.

4.Select the Calendly event type that you'd like to import into BigMarker (for example, 15-, 30- or 60-minute appointments).Click Submit to complete.
