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Integrate Zapier with BigMarker

Learn how to integrate Zapier with BigMarker

BigMarkeris able to integrate with thousands of web apps, including MailChimp and Google Docs, withZapier.

Webinar Integrations

To get started, you'll need to access theBigMarker Zapier invitation and your personal API key.Login to your BigMarker account and go to your webinar's integration section:

Request an API Key

Here you will see yourAPI Key.Then clickGet BigMarker App on Zapier:

Zapier Invite Link

Once you clickGet BigMarker App on Zapier, you'll need to login and accept or accept.

ClickAccept Invite & Go to Dashboard.If you don't have a Zapier account you will need to create one now.If you do, login.Zapier offers a free and premium plan.You do not need a premium plan to integrate with BigMarker.

Make a Zap

Once you are logged into your Zapier account, clickMake a ZaporMake a New Zap.

Search forBigMarker (app)and chooseTrigger (event)to export:

You can choosechannelorevent registration,orping to authorize connection.Then clickSave & Continue.

Select Your BigMarker Account (Using API Key)

Connect your BigMarker account with theAPI Key requested in your Personal Settings.

ClickYes, Continue,Test(to test your connection), thenSave & Continue.

Add Channel ID or Event ID

Depending on which trigger you've chosen (channel or event registration), you'll need to add the corresponding ID.

Channel IDis located in your Channel's URL.Go to your Channel bulletin, copy and paste the portion of the URL located after communities/ and before /bulletin.

Event IDis located on the about section of the specificwebinar pageyou want to connect to.

You'll be asked to double-check that you have channel or eventregistration activityand yourchannel or event IDis correct.ClickFetch & Continue.

Choose Your Chosen App to Integrate

You'll need to set up yourAction.Simply search for the app you want to integrate with.Zapier has hundreds of web apps to choose from. For this example we are using Google Sheets.

The set-up is very similar to what you previously did connecting your BigMarker account but will vary depending on what web application you are integrating with.

Createhow you want the information displayed (relative to your chosen application).

Connect your account.

In this instance, it will be a Google Account.

Allow access.

Choose your file or templateto integrate and export to.

Test your integration and clickCreate & Continue.

If you have any questions you can contactsupport@bigmarker.comor Zapier supporthttps://zapier.com/help/
