Internet Browser Information

Learn more about the recommended browser versions needed in order to have the best event experience possible at BigMarker

To attend or host a webinar you'll need to be on the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera. Attendees can enter on Internet Explorer, hosts cannot.*
BigMarker strongly recommends hosts and presenters use Chrome or Edge for the best possible experience on laptops and computers.If you are presenting or attending on an iOS device (iPad or iPhone) Safari is recommended.

Update or Download browsers here:

Update Chrome (Recommended)*

Update Edge (Recommended) Replace Internet Explorer and legacy versions of Edge)**

Update Firefox

Update Safari

To update Safari on iOS (Safari is recommended for iPhones and iPads), please click here.

Update Opera

Here's an article how to update any browser

Unsure what browser you are using?Click here.

There are many reasons why you should update your browser regularly including:
  1. Increased security benefits
  2. New versions are faster
  3. Avoid compatibility problems associated with older versions
  4. Allow your applications to work more smoothly and efficiently
  5. Allow access to the newest applications
  6. Many new websites function only in newer browser versions
Fix issues associated with previous versions

*Keep track of Chrome's releases and updates here

**IE is no longer supported by Microsoft and is not safe to use.Internet Explorer 11 can only be used by attendees.Hosts cannot enter on Internet Explorer.
