Introducing: Hybrid Audience Engagement

Attendees can engage throughout your event through Polls, Q&A, Handouts and Surveys with an interactive accompaniment on their mobile device

Note:This feature is only available for Events Package plan holders.If interested, please contact our Events Experts at

We are excited to introduce an interactive feature for your attendees, our Hybrid Audience Engagement!This will be an interactive accompaniment to your event, as attendees will scan a QR code at the beginning of your event on their mobile device to bring up the second screen.Attendees can engage throughout your event  through Polls, Q&A, Handouts and answer a Survey at the end.

This is a great way to have engagement with your attendees without taking away attention from presenters or presentations.Attendees can easily ask questions, answer polls from their phones, and view/download resources.Q&A will be displayed in real-time when published on the second screen (learn morehere) so attendees can see the most popular questions asked.It's overall a great way to keep attendees engaged both in-person and through digital means.

The Hybrid Audience Engagement

In this section, you are able to enable the secondary screen for your audience's in-person/hybrid engagement.View a quick overview of how it works under theHow it Workssection, where you can scroll through the images explaining set up.

How to Enable Hybrid Audience Engagement

1.  On the Manage Webinar Dashboard, scroll down toHybridAudience Engagement

2.Enable ONHybrid Audience Engagement

This will populate an icon inside the webinar room to bring up a separate browser that has your QR code to scan.

Additionally, you are able to copy and paste the link below on a separate web browser to project on an accompanying projector, TV or screen.

Once clicked, it will populate the scannable QR code for your attendees.Attendees will need to use their mobile device to scan, and enter their information before accessing the interactive screen.The screen will show the title of your webinar, the webinar link and the scannable QR code.

On the Hybrid Audience Engagement screen , there are a few options for attendees.They can:

  • Answer Polls
  • Submit questions
  • Download and view handouts
  • Answer a survey

Answering Polls

Attendees will have the ability to answer polls throughout the event.When published, polls will pop up automatically on the second screen for attendees to answer.Attendees can answer immediately or click< Backto go back to the main screen and answer later.Polls that still need answers will be available  on the main screen.

Submitting Questions

Attendees can submit questions during your event as well.They can ask questions that, when published, will appear for attendees both on the virtual webinar and our new Live On-screen Q&A (learn morehere).Attendees can upvote questions to show the popularity and answer those first

Download and View Handouts

Attendees can view any handouts throughout your event and download them straight to their mobile device.Under the Resources section, attendees can see available handouts and preview them or download them from there.

Note:When downloading handouts, attendees WILL BE redirected to a separate tab with the handout to download.They will need to manually go back to the second screen to continue to engage with your event.


Answering a Survey

At the end of your event, or during, attendees can answer a quick survey using an NPS score to rate their experience.

Watch the video below to see this in live action:

If you are not a VE/Enterprise plan holder, you can request more details from our sales team about this solution for your events by enabling the feature on.Fill out the information screen to request more details or
