Offer Paid Subscriptions for Your Channel

You can now create paid subscriptions for your channel on BigMarker — and give your audience extended, exclusive access to your content

Note:This feature is only available for Virtual Events and Enterprise plan holders.Please contact our Sales team at to learn more.

You can now create paid subscriptions for your channel on BigMarker — and give your audience extended, exclusive access to your content.Subscriptions can be used for virtual events, media hub content, networking capabilities, specific sessions and more.

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How long do subscriptions last?You can offer  3-month, 6-month or year long subscriptions.Users are notified via email when their term is coming to end and can opt to renew.

Can I restrict access to subscriptions?Certain event hosts or event administrators can verify each purchase of a subscription pass.This way, only manually approved subscription holders can view any content that's behind your paywall.

Where and how can users manage their subscriptions?Both event hosts/admins and attendees can manage paid subscriptions on the BigMarker.Users can review their payment history, manage/edit their payment method or cancel their subscription in a dedicated section on their BigMarker channel.

Learn more here:

Learn more about setting up Subscription passes here.
