Pin Speaker Cameras to the right of their Presentation

Pin presenter cameras to the right of the screen, allowing their presentation slides to be the main focus while they remain on camera

You can now pin your presenter's cameras to the right of their slide decks while they are speaking.This allows speakers to place the main focus on their presentation while remaining on camera.

Note:Only9presenter cameras can be pinned to the right of a presentation.All non-pinned presenters and attendees will appear below the presentation.

Learn how to pin presenter cameras to the right of the screen below.

How to Enable Pin Presenters Cameras

  1. Log in to your webinar and select theManage Webinartab
  2. Staying in this tab, scroll down to theLive Webinar Settingssection
  3. UnderLive Experience, selectInteractive Mode.
  4. UnderWebcam Experience, selectUp to 9 Cameras.

5.Staying in the Manage Webinar tab, scroll down to theAudience Engagementsection.ToggleUse New Interactive ExperienceON.

6.Scroll down to thePresenter Permissionssection.TogglePin presenter to the right of presentationON.

7.In the event room, you will three dots of the right of every presenter's name in the Host Control.Select that, and thenPin Cam,to pin the presenter to the right of the presentation.

Watch the video below to see this in action:
