Receive and Manage Support Requests on your Event's Custom Page

Add a Support Requests form to your Custom Pages that acts as an additional support tool for your attendees.This form can be used to answer your attendee's general questions or receive feedback throughout your event

Note: This is only available through our Page Designer.If interested, please contact our Events Experts

Anticipating a lot of support requests in your next event?Or, are you interested in having a support form that your attendees can easily send questions to and you can field in a timely manner?Look no further than our Support Requests feature, an easy addition to your custom page that is functional as it is visually appealing.This can be used as a form for general questions or utilized for feedback throughout your event.Either way it provides your attendees an open opportunity to have their questions answered and thoughts heard.

This Support Requests feature operates as any support request does, where your users can ask questions about a specific component on your event or general concerns.On the backend, toggle where you would like the form to be delivered to (who's email address), customize the form's details and manage all your requests as well.It's an easy one-stop-shop for adding additional support to your events.

How to Set Up your Support Requests Feature:

1.On your main series, clickManage Event (Beta)

2.Scroll down on the left hand menu and click to theSupport Requestssection

3.From there, clickNew Support Form

4.The following information has already been entered, but you can customize:
  • Support Sender Email to
  • Subject
  • First Name Title
  • Last Name Title
  • Email Title
  • Company Title
  • Job Title
  • Phone Title
  • Question Title
  • Submit Button Text
  • Submit Success Button Text
5.Click Save & Exit

This will populate a form token for you to plug into your custom page's code.

How to Manage your Support Requests

From this same section, click over to theSupport Requeststab at the top.From there, you can view a list of every user who submitted a request on your support form.You will be able to view the name, email address, and sent time right off the bat.From there, clickView Moreto see the full detailed support request.You will have to manually reach out to the user who sent in a request by emailing them directly.
