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How can I set up a Slack integration with my webinar?

Give yourself the flexibility to engage with your webinar audience without having to stay in the webinar room

This feature allows you to specify one of your Slack channels to receive and send messages and answers for your attendees in a live webinar room.You may have specific staff members designated to answer your Q&A, and now they can receive slack notifications for when a new question comes in.Or perhaps you have an evergreen webinar and you are not sure when attendees may be watching.Using the Slack integration will make sure you never miss a message.

To first set up the Slack notifications, you'll need to create a live, automated or evergreen webinar.Once you do, look for "Push Notifications" in the left-hand navigation of the Manage Webinar Dashboard.

In these settings, your first option will be to enable the integration and connect to Slack.Before this step, you'll need a Slack account, and you may need to log in via your browser once you try to connect your Slack account to the webinar.

Once your Slack account is connected, a few more options will be available.First you must choose which Slack Channel will receive incoming messages and questions.The dropdown list will show allpublic channelsthat are associated with the team your account is affiliated with on Slack.

Note: You also need to make sure the BigMarker Responder App is added to the channel you plan to use.

The other setting is toForce Reply by Thread.When this setting is on, you can only send new messages from Slack to BigMarker by replying to a thread.If this setting is off, the webinar will receive chat messages that are sent in the general chat of the selected Slack Channel.

Note:If you have multiple live webinars happening at the same time that use the Slack notifications, all webinars will receive these general chat messages at once ifForce Reply by Threadis turnedoff.

Now that you are set up, you'll start receiving messages from BigMarker.Any chat messages sent in the public chat will also be sent to the selected Slack Channel.The message in slack will contain a few elements:

  • A webinar ID which is hyperlinked to the dashboard of the webinar the chat came from
  • Name and email address of the user who sent the message
  • The content of the message

You can reply directly to this message in slack to ensure that the message will only be sent to the specific webinar's chat.

When a user submits a question, the question in Slack will look very similar to the chat message above.The main difference is thatit is required to reply within a threadto a question.Replying in the thread will send that message to BigMarker as a reply within the answer thread of the question posted.If a question wasn't already marked as answered, sending a reply in Slack will mark it as such.

Replying to a thread in Slack:

Replies from Slack appearing in thread:

Watch the video below for a comprehensive how-to:
