Apply Separate Capacities for Registrations and Attendance

Customize how many people can register and how many people can attend your webinars.

BigMarker users have always had the ability to set a custom capacity on any given webinar.You can set a specific number for people allowed to register, and once that maximum number has been reached, you can either allow for no more registrations, of have them automatically added to a waitlist.

We've now added a separate capacity for attendance, which can be a different number from what you've designated for registrations.

There are a few use cases for this new feature:

  • A hybrid webinar where you have a limit on the number of in-person attendees that can register, and you set a higher limit of virtual attendees that will have access to the the live webinar
  • As part of an event you have a webinar that has no limit on registration, but when the webinar is live you only want the first 100 attendees to be able to view the live webinar.

You can find this new setting in theEdittab of your webinar dashboard, underWebinar Size.
