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  2. Webinars
  3. Webinar Settings and Administration

The Webinar Dashboard

Most commonly referred to as the webinar backend, this is where you will be able to manage your webinar's settings, live event experience, attendee registration, design and more.

We commonly refer to this as the Manage Webinar dashboard, as its the main gateway to all the settings and management tools for your event. If you need to adjust any settings, such as audience engagement capabilities or presenter permissions, this would be the place to do so.You can share the webinar's unique URL, customize the landing page and webinar settings, view analytics, and easily navigate to different aspects of the webinar (analytics, custom registration fields, pre-load files and more).

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Learn more about the Manage Webinar Dashboard below.

Overview of the Manage Webinar Dashboard

Here is where majority of the customizations and ability to change the webinars interactive settings are housed.Right off the bat, you will be able to see the webinar components on the left, the webinar's stats, setups, streaming settings, audience engagement experiences, presenter permissions and more towards the bottom.

At the top of the screen is top control bar that controls the main aspects of your webinar.You have the webinar's settings inEdit, presenter information inPresenters, the design of your event inDesign,Emails & Invitations, theManage Webinardashboard, followed byAutomationsandIntegrations. Additionally, you can view your webinar's landing page throughView Landing Page.

To the left side of the screen, going down the page, is the customizable options for your webinar.


View your webinar's stats, set your streaming experience, customize the audience experience, and more.
Analytics & Reporting Download webinar reports and view your webinars reach through referrals and traffic sources
Custom Reports

Segment analytics and data points to track individual metrics and hone in on what matters most in gauging the success of your event

Audience Room Customize the attendee experience inside the webinar room: Classic or Modular
Preview the Webinar Room View a preview of your presenter and attendee webinar room
Manage Webinar Registrations Add, view, manage and more to all your registrants of your webinar
Custom Registration Fields Customize your registration form, add custom fields and add UTM codes to URLS for tracking analytics
Webinar Tags Label and categorize your webinars for easy filtration or pass through into integrations
SEO/Social Sharing Tags Add SEO keywords and change graphics to optimize your webinar's outreach
Confirmation Page Customize your registration confirmation page
Waiting Room Edit settings and the design of your waiting room
Push Notifications EnableSMSorSlack notificationsin real-time when attendees ask questions during webinars
Transcript Get an overview of who on your event team made Q&A, Chats, Polls, and uploaded Handouts for your webinar
Edit Recording Player Customize On-Demand videos with polls, handouts, pop-up offers and more
Spam Protection Protect your webinar's chat feed by adding keywords or phrases that will be flagged or blocked
Geo-Fencing Restrict registration to certain users in pre-approved geographic locations
Allow & Block List Block certain email addresses or domains from registering to your webinar
Webinar Survey Send out and customize post-event webinar surveys to send to your attendees.
Certificate of Completion Send out certificates to attendees that interacted or view your event to receive an accredited qualification
Attendance Monitor Set pop-ups inside the webinar to gauge attendee participation
Lucky Draw Conduct an interactive lucky draw with your attendees
Hotkeys Create keyboard shortcuts for commonly used commands such as screen sharing and turning on/off cameras and microphones
AD Banners Display a popup or bottom banner of a custom ad to your attendees on special offers
Sticky Set Sticky notes inside your webinar with links and custom text based on your event
Custom Footer Add a footer inside the webinar room to add a unique detail to your webinar
Breakout Rooms Create breakout rooms to separate your audience into smaller sessions to highlight your presenters, then bring them back into the main room
Live Streaming Live stream Facebook, Youtube, or other URLs into the Webinar room
RTMP Stream Keys Setup broadcasting software streams into BigMarker utilizing RTMP streams
Hybrid Audience Engagement

Attendees can engage throughout your event through Polls, Q&A, Handouts and Surveys with an interactive accompaniment on their mobile device

Cookie Consent Bar

Notify your attendees on data privacy policies with a custom cookie consent bar

Below is where you are able to pre-loadoffers, files, videos, handouts, co-browsing website URLs,andpolls.These can also be added during your event.

Next up is theWidgetsection.Widgets are add ons to your events that can link your attendees to different components in your event or lead  them to sites outside of your event.You are able to add registration, multi-webinar, live webinar, live full webinar,andpop-up widgets.

Lastly is the Advanced section.Here, you canupgrade you account plan, email attendees, import contactsandpromote your event todifferentsocial media platforms.

Webinar Details Section

At the top will be the webinar's details, such as the title, type of webinar, time and date of the event, webinar ID, and the ability to share the webinar link, copy the webinar, and more.

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Note:Depending on the type of webinar, different capabilities in this section will show:

Live Webinars- the ability to convert to an On-Demand webinar

Series- the ability to change the series settings and go to the Manage Event (beta) Dashboard.

24/7- the ability to enter the webinar

All webinars will have the ability to enter the webinar from this section when the event is live, 24/7 webinars are always live so this capability will always be present

The different capabilities include:

  • Share Link- a separate pop up window that includes the webinar's unique URL that can be copied and pasted.You can also create and copy a trackable link with UTM codes, to track the source of registration traffic.
  • Copy Webinar- the ability to copy the same webinar over and over.You will create a copy of the webinar without copying over any of the registrants.
  • Embed Registration- redirect to the embed section, where you can create an embed widget of this webinar for registrants to register through.
  • Create Webinar Template- this will create a template of the current webinar's settings and content to be used as a framework for a new webinar.
  • Delete Webinar- this will delete the webinar permanently.

Webinar Stats

A quick overview of the analytics for your webinar.You will be able to see the amount of registrants, total revenue, total page views and any invitations sent.ClickView Analyticsto be redirected to theAnalytics & Reportingsection for an in-depth look at the event's analytics.

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Webinar Setup

This section shows the different features that attendees will be engaging with before your event starts, such as the landing page, registration forms, tickets and the waiting room .This section is a quick shortcut for admins/hosts to  be redirected from the webinar dashboard to the appropriate section for customizations.ClickCustomize >to be redirected to each's main page.

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Live Webinar Settings

These settings will control the streaming quality, audience engagement capabilities, presenter permissions and more.Starting off, you will have the ability to customize and adjust the streaming of your event:

  • Live Experience- choose between interactive and webcast.
  • Audience Room Layout- choose the different attendee experience you'd like for your event.
  • Live Attendee Experience- customize the design of the live webinar room
  • Studio- this toggle enables on the experience style in the webinar room.There are two types: Studio and Classic.This toggle is always on, you canlearn more about enabling this off here.
  • Webcam Experience- choose between Up to 64 camera mode and Up to 9 camera mode.(Click here to learn the differences)
  • Auto Recording- select if you would like the webinar to automatically start recording or keep this disabled.

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Audience Engagement

Select the engagement features your attendees are able to have and use during your event.Toggle on/off:

  • Show Attendee List- view the attendee names who are attending your webinar
  • Enable Chat Panel- allow attendees to see and utilize the Chat panel
  • Public Chat- allow attendees to participate in a public Chat amongst other attendees and presenters, hosts and admins
  • Display Private Chat in New Tab- have private chats appear in separate pop up tabs at the bottom of the event screen
  • Polls- allow attendees to view and interact with Polls
  • Handouts- allow attendees to view and download Handouts
  • Re-open claimed Q&A after- keep Q&A continuously open after a certain amount of time that it has been claimed
  • Q&A: Enable Priority Questions- allow Q&A to be marked as priority (learn more here)
  • Offers- allow attendees to view Offers
  • Private Chat with Presenters- allow attendees to private chat with presenters
  • Default Tab- set the default tab of the audience panel, choosing from Chat, Q&A, Polls, Handouts or Offers
  • Enable Emoji in Chat- enable on emojis that can be used in chats
  • Always lock camera to bottom row- have the cameras locked to the bottom row for the presentation
  • Display speaker avatar when audio only- When a users camera is off, still display an avatar for that user when they use their audio
  • Who is speaking color- choose the border color for users who are speaking
  • Show Full Screen Icon in Stream- Have the ability to make the stream full screen when the arrow hovers in the stream
  • Audience Reactions Input- allow your audience to react using thumbs up, clap emojis and more
  • Enable Presentation Laser Pointer- enable a red dot that will be the presenter's mouse to follow along as a laser pointer
  • Enable Q&A- enable ability to have Q&A
  • Show Q&A Upvote- attendees can up vote to show which ones are the most popular
  • Q&A: Auto-publish- Q&A will automatically publish for all to see
  • Q&A: Auto-archive answered/unanswered after- use the dropdown menu to archive which answered or unanswered Q&A after a certain period of time
  • Who can delete chats and Q&A- use the dropdown menu to limit accessibility on who can delete chats and Q&A
  • Q&A: Auto-publish after answered- auto-publish Q&A after it has been answered
  • Raise Hand- allow attendees to raising their hand, whether with questions or in agreement
  • Auto mute all public chats- have the notification of new chats muted
  • Twitter- enable Twitter on, where attendees can live tweet and use a specific hashtag that will bring the tweet into the room.
  • Camera window initial size when sharing- use the dropdown menu to show the camera window size when sharing cameras.
  • Show the attendee list for presenters- presenters are able to see a list of all attendees
  • Show who is speaking- highlight the speaker by illuminating their camera's border
  • Show Volume Icon in Stream- Have the ability to toggle the stream's volume when hovering the arrow in the stream
  • Real-time Webcast Mode (Beta)- enable this on for 64 camera mode (learn more here)
  • Show attendee cameras to audience- limit your audience to see only their own camera, the presenter and the presentation screen.
  • In-Person Audience Engagement Screen- enable on for a second screen that can be used for hybrid/in-person events.Learn more here.

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Presenter Permissions

Select the engagement features your presenters are able to have and use during your event.Toggle on/off:

  • Allow Presenter to Manage Slides- presenters can control moving forward/backwards slides
  • Allow Presenter to Manage Videos- presenters can control playing/pausing videos
  • Allow Presenters to Manage Offers- presenters can create and post Offers
  • Allow Presenter to Maximize Q&A- presenters can maximize a Q&A to be full screen for attendees
  • Pin Presenter to right of presentation- pin the presenter's camera to the right side of the screen permanently
  • Allow Presenter to Manage Screen Share- presenters have access to share their screen
  • Allow Presenters to Manage Audio- presenters can turn on/off their audio
  • Allow Presenters to Manage Lucky Draw- presenters can start and stop a lucky draw
  • Allow Presenter to maximize a Poll- presenters can maximize a poll to be full screen for attendees
  • Show Q&A panel for presenters- presenters can see the Q&A panel

There are a few more settings under the Live Webinar Settings section, such as:

  • Chat Rooms- turn on/off chat rooms and create them for specific groups of people (i.e.Presenter Chat, Admin Chat, Support Chat, etc.)
  • Pre-load Content- pre-load your files & videos, polls, handouts and offers
  • Webinar Automation- turn on/off automation for your webinar and adjust the automated timeline as needed
  • Exit URL- adjust the exit URL that attendees will be redirected to once the webinar ends
  • Video Layout- adjust the default webcam layout and aspect ratios.

Webinar Capacity

This will show you how many registrants there are currently for your event and the amount of seats you have available on your channel for the event.These seats are dependent on your plan, and you can clickGet More Seatsto upgrade your plan.

Note: If you'd like to talk to a sales representative about our plan offerings, please contact Sales@bigmarker.com

Conversion Rates

View your percentages of the conversion rates based on emails, invitations, sign ups and more.Here, view:

  • Invitation Open Rate- the total number of people who opened a webinar invitation email
  • Invitation Click Rate- the total number of people who clicked on the webinar page from the invitation email
  • Email Registrations- the total number of registrations after viewing the landing page
  • Organic Registrations- the total number of registrations after viewing the landing page
  • Registered Attendees- the total number of registrants that attended the live webinar
  • Guest Attendees- the total number of people who joined the webinar as a guest
  • Sign Up Rate- the percentage of landing page visitors who signed up
  • Show Up Rate- the percentage of registrants who attended the webinar

Below these analytics will be more analytics on webinar page traffic and registration.You can filter through registration, webinar and recording tabs to view specific data on each as well as download these reports as an XLS file, PDF file or transcript.

Last but not least will be the Invitations, where you can see how many people where invited, opened, converted and also send emails from here.
