Toggle Between Studio and Classic Modes

Set your preferred streaming mode as the default for your channel - and more easily control the layout and look of your sessions on BigMarker

Note:  Studio Switch is now automatically toggled ON for newly created events.Thisfeature will be available for all webinars, virtual events and MeetingSpaces.

You can now use a toggle to choose between two default streaming modes: Classic and Studio.With this toggle, you can set your preferred streaming mode as the default for your channel — and more easily control the layout and look of your sessions on BigMarker.

What's the difference between Classic Mode and Studio?

Classic Mode is our standard webinar room format, which includes engagement features like polling, public and private chats, Q&A, screen sharing and industry-leading customization options.

Studio features professional-quality live-streaming capabilities, interactive features, custom backgrounds, lower-thirds, and more, making it ideal for broadcasts, virtual conferences and higher-level thought leadership sessions.

When will this feature be introduced?What streaming mode will be on by default?

This feature was introduced for all customers on January 31, with Classic Mode as the default streaming mode for all channels.To use Studio, you will need to manually toggle Studio ON (as shown below) and enable New Interactive Experience.

Note:Any sessions created before this transition withUse New Interactive Experiencetoggled OFF will not be impacted.

However,Studio Mode is now the default streaming mode for all channels.To use Classic Mode, you will need to manually toggle Classic Mode ON.(Note: When Studio is OFF, admins and hosts can choose between using the Studio or Classic Mode admin, while presenters and attendees will experience your event in Classic Mode.) With Studio now being the default streaming mode, we are adding in a new switch to default Studio OFF on the Channel Settings level.This will give those users who prefer Classic Mode, the ability to create new events streaming by default in Classic mode.

Can I have Studio defaulted OFF for my Channel?

Users will have the option to toggle OFF Studio on their Channel Settings.What this toggle does is enable/disable Studio Switch ON or OFF channel wide.When this setting is enabled ON, it will have Studio be the default streaming experience for new events created on your Channel.When this setting is disabled, Studio Switch will be disabled OFF for events created on your Channel.You can still toggle Studio Switch ON per event created, but this Channel Setting switch will have Studio be consistently ON or OFF for your event's streaming experience.Ultimately, this new feature will give more ease of use in creating events for users who only want their events streamed in certain modes  consistently while having the ability to toggle Studio on for specific events.

How to Enable/Disable Studio Switch on the Channel Level

1.Log on to your Channel and go to yourChannel Settings

2.On the Channel Settings, stay on theChannel Profilesection

3.Scroll down, and toggle on/offEnable Studio Switch ON by default

4.ClickSaveat the bottom, thenSave & Exitat the top right hand corner.

Additional Information

To learn more about Studio mode, click the article below:
