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  2. Webinars
  3. Webinar Settings and Administration

The Types of Webinars

BigMarker has a variety of customizable platforms for webinars, virtual events and hybrid events.

Webinars are the bread and butter of BigMarker.We offer a customizable product for your unique digital event experience.We offer 6 different types of webinars:Live, Summit (or Series), On- Demand, Automated, Evergreenand24-7 webinars.Learn more below about the different types of webinars.

Live Webinars

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With aLive Webinar, your attendees can register for your webinar and watch it live on your BigMarker channel.You can invite other presenters to take the stage with you, sell tickets, and choose whether to allow attendees to view the recording after the webinar.Features included with live webinars are: HD Audio & Video, HD Screen sharing, Presenting files or slides, Public & private chat, Q&A and upvoting, Polls & quizzes, Handouts and more.

If you plan to present live to your audience (once or on a recurring basis), the Live Webinar option is most likely suited for you.


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TheOn-Demandoption allows you to host simple, always-ready video that can be viewed on your BigMarker channel, or embedded on your website.If you want a video to be available at any time, but want to require a quick registration form to collect leads, On-Demand is a great option.If you're looking for more advanced functionality and automation, the Automated and Evergreen options below may be better suited for you.


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Imagine hosting an interactive webinar with chat greetings, pop-up offers, videos, handouts, and more appearing at just the right time.Now imagine doing it while taking a nap.That'sAutomated Webinarson BigMarker.Attendees will believe they're viewing a live webinar, whenever they enter the room.You can even view and respond to their questions from your cell phone, without ever entering the webinar.


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Evergreen Webinarsoffer the same features and functionality as Automated Webinars, but can run on an "always-ready-to play" basis.So when an attendee enters the webinar, the automated events will play from the beginning.

Summits and Series

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If you'd like to host several webinars with one registration, such as a course or multi-part event, use theSummits and Seriesoption.You can host live, automated, and On-Demand webinars in a series.Your attendees will be able to access each webinar from one simple landing page.


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The24-7 Webinaroption allows you to host professional-quality live streams to Facebook Live or YouTube Live.You and your presenters will host the webinar from the BigMarker studio, just like a Live Webinar, but streaming directly to Facebook Live or YouTube Live.

Any of the webinars selected can be madePrivateorPublic.Publicwebinars are searchable, so anyone on the web can find them and join in.These events may be published on BigMarker's homepage and browse areas.Privatewebinars can only be attended by people who are given access to them.These events are not published on BigMarker's homepage and browse areas.For private webinars, you can set additional privacy settings in the Edit tab.You can set privacy to be:

  • Only those invited through BigMarker can attend
  • Only members of my channel can attend
  • Anyone with the event link can attend
  • Only those with the password can attend

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