Virtual Events Dashboard (Beta) Overview

In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate the basics of our new Virtual Event Dashboard (Beta)

As seen in ourImpact@Home Virtual Event

Our new virtual event dashboard (Beta) allows you to add and assign presenters to different sessions, manage your modules, create and manage sessions, and view your analytics from a select time range all within 1 page.

Note: This virtual event dashboard iscurrently in Beta.Users should anticipate periodic updates to this platform in the coming weeks.If you have any questions please contact your BigMarker Account Manager or

Creating a Virtual Event

This is where you will name, assign a date, estimate the number of attendees, select the date that registration will go live to attendees.You can also invite Collaborators (or other admins) within the event creation page as well.

Event Basics & Design

All of your networking and gamification modules' settings as well as ticketing and design assets live under the Event Basics tab of your virtual event dashboard.You can reset the details you created during the event creation process  as well as change around the design assets and branding colors of your event buttons and pages.


This is where you can set the redirects and access levels to your Modules.Modules can be toggled on or off on this tab and you can enable your Check in, Networking and Gamification features in the Modules section.  This is where you will set up the three Recommended templates highlighted in the video:the Expo Hall, the Lobby, and the Agenda.


This is the page where you create and manage the sessions within your Modules (i.e.agenda items on your Agenda, Sessions linked to the Lobby or Expo Halls) where your attendees will be directed to participate in the presentations hosted by your speakers and presenters.

Collaborators, Presenters & Expo Booth Staff

Collaborators are other Admins who can add and manage content within the Virtual Events Dashboard.

Presenters & Expo Booth Staff: Presenters are the speakers that you invite to the event to participate in the sessions.Expo Booth Staff are moderators and presenters who are running a specific Booth.Your Presenters & Expo Booth Staff tab allows you to assign presenters to specific sessions and booths and manage their permissions within those sessions all in 1 tab.


Booths are spaces that you can sell for your Live Event for sponsors to connect directly with Virtual attendees.The booth content can be either Live or UnManned/Automated.


View and manage your analytics from all of your modules and sessions as well as select specific date ranges to review your marketing data within the Analytics tab of the Virtual Event Dashboard.

For more information on our new Virtual Events Dashboard, contactsales@bigmarker.comor reach out to your BigMarker Account Team.
